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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • Your sole reason for commenting was to spew racist hate in the hopes that some like-minded degenerate would come along and agree with you. Maybe you did this so you might feel a little bit less alone in the world. What actually happened, though, is I shed some light on why it is that you feel so alone. It’s because you look down on people for things that they can’t help. It’s OK if people are born into situations that are different from your own. If you start to embrace people’s differences instead of fearing and hating them, you will find yourself in a much happier place.

  • Are you seriously a Trump supporter because you think the conservatives will be kinder to a group of minority Muslims that are up against Jewish Israel? Is this the first time you’ve ever paid attention to American politics?

    Look up what a president by the name of George Bush Jr. did to the Middle East, you’re about to have your political views dumped completely upside-down. The Republicans are not nearly as buddy-buddy with Islamic minorities as you’ve somehow been lead to believe.

  • You talked about Trump.

    I responded that your take on Trump made no sense.

    You oddly tried to pretend you were not talking about Trump.

    I pointed out that you were talking about Trump.

    I have made my point clearly. I’m sorry if making it so clear hurt your feelings, but the choice is between speaking on a low level or having things go over your head like they did. This is a you issue. If you don’t want people to speak down to you, then demonstrate some reading comprehension.

    Also, I’m not liberal, I’m politically non-binary.

  • Do you realize that if today the casualties on both sides of Gaza and isreal since October happened again, and then every day that many more is added, let’s say 40,000 per day. If we continue doing that every single day, we wouldn’t reach the world war 2 casualties until 2027. So yes, things can, and have very recently been much worse.

    Biden is a bastard, he is blowing up gazan children daily, and I hope the universe makes a special exception for him and creates a biblical hell. Trump calls this “level of restraint” antisemitic. Trump is in extreme debt, angry as hell, and he has a bunch of racist anti-muslim fanatics he’s trying to please. He can absolutely make things worse.

  • Very good thoughts. It sure would be nice if there could be some sort of area where only non-combatants could go. Precision knife missles have been around for a long time now. It does seem suspicious that they are not being used in this current conflict.

    I was curious how this current war compared to other wars and conflicts in regards to civilian casualties. By the way it is often shown, I assumed it would be towards the top of the list, but surprisingly, it seems to be around the bottom. 69% of Israeli casualties have been civilians as opposed to 59% of palestian. The high end from this wikipedia list seems to be around 90%, the low end roughly 50%.

    It’s so crazy that stuff like this is still going on. I do wonder how much this particular conflict is caused by all the archaic superstition around spiritual thinking and magical land. If it wasn’t such a “holy” place I wonder if it would be so awful. Hopefully, some soon-future generation can finally discard all this “love” inspired hate.