• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The Eastern Bloc suffered an enormous drop in living quality following the dissolution of the USSR. Far from reaping a bounty via free market liberty, the people in these countries found themselves the subject of a historic privatization and looting of national treasuries and resources.

    This is a black and white perspective. You have to keep in mind that citizens of these countries were significantly worse off as (involuntarily) being part of the USSR than the countries that were not in the Eastern Bloc, and most of them are now significantly better off as part of the EU. Most citizens remember the repression, shortages, and russification all too well.

  • They do.

    From: Verma, S., Dhanak, M., & Frankenfield, J. (2020). Visualizing the effectiveness of face masks in obstructing respiratory jets. Physics of Fluids, 32(6), 061708. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0016018

    TABLE I. A summary of the different types of masks tested, the materials they are made of, and their effectiveness in impeding droplet-dispersal. The last column indicates the distance traveled by the jet beyond which its forward progression stops. The average distances have been computed over multiple runs, and the symbol “∼” is used to indicate the presence of high variability in the first two scenarios listed.

    Mask type Material Threads/in. Average jet distance

    Uncovered … … ∼8 ft

    Bandana Elastic T-shirt material 85 ∼3 ft 7 in.

    Folded handkerchief Cotton 55 1 ft 3 in.

    Stitched mask Quilting cotton 70 2.5 in.

    Commercial maska Unknown Randomly assorted fibres 8 in.

  • I spent many years trying to be as FOSS as I could. I tried many different Linux distros, hunted for open source operating systems for my phone (at the time, none did even the basic things I needed it to do) until one day I decided I was sick to death of having to spend hours researching and trying multiple arcane cli commands to get even simple things to work (like WiFi). I realised that I was wasting an enormous amount of time being all-things-open-source.

    My next purchase as a macbook as it was based on a *nix and I’ve come to realise that while Apple is a walled garden and in some ways is ‘evil’, it’s less evil than Google is now, or Microsoft was back in the day.

    I also like the way that the various Apple devices work really well together. But I hate the fact that it’s harder to hack things to be the way that I want. Don’t get me wrong, I still love open source software, but I have too few years left to waste them on modifying config.org files, or whatever they do now, so I’m much more selective with what I use. I tend to use FOSS applications on MacOS where the software works well enough.

    Not trying to bash FOSS, just my 2 cents.