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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • More realistically warheads need their fissionable components replaced every 20 years or so, Considering Russia claims to field the worlds largest nuclear arsenal on the same budget the UK spends on a much smaller arsenal (albeit likely far more advanced in the delivery system department) its extremely questionable wether the nuclear material in most of those warheads is still viable.

    While in a full scale nuclear war even a 10% success rate is apocalyptic it really does matter if they want to make a demonstration strike on Ukraine, imagine the geo-political ramifications of Russia making the huge decision to make a nuclear strike only for that missile to fail to properly detonate.

  • It really depends on the kind of vessel though. China for instance has a ton of ships but less than tonnage than the US, and if you restrict that to ships that could realistically conduct long range opperations that tonnage is buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo even lower than the UK and Japan (not combined). So Russia could just be launching 40 new patrol boats next year, or maybe 2 actual ships and 38 patrol boats.