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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • The motivation from the previous nationalist PiS government in Poland was mainly anything they could to do against Russia or against Germany.

    So by supporting Ukraine with military equipment, they were acting against Russia. But at the same time slowed down German support for Ukraine, by blocking maintenance and factories for Ukrainian equipment in Poland. Leading to long transports across to other countries e.g. Latvia for maintenance.

    Now, with the grain, this has no Russian involvement and their own farmers are unhappy. So there is no way to go against Russia or against Germany. Also there is a new government in Poland, so I guess we have to see how that develops now.

  • If you believe the information on CNN is wrong, you could just use a web search for a different source to check and compare for yourself. Or just go to unrwa.org and their press releases:

    26 January 2024 AMMAN,

    “The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

    “To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay. Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

    “UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks of 7 October and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all Israeli hostages and their safe return to their families.

    “These shocking allegations come as more than 2 million people in Gaza depend on lifesaving assistance that the Agency has been providing since the war began. Anyone who betrays the fundamental values of the United Nations also betrays those whom we serve in Gaza, across the region and elsewhere around the world”.

    Quote from here: https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/serious-allegations-against-unrwa-staff-gaza-strip

  • Misleading title.


    “We hear threats from the Kremlin almost every day … so we have to take into account that Vladimir Putin might even attack a NATO country one day,” Pistorius said in an interview with the Berlin-based Der Tagesspiegel newspaper.

    While a Russian attack is not likely “for now,” the minister added: “Our experts expect a period of five to eight years in which this could be possible.”

    There is no warning of an attack. There is an analysis that it’s not likely for now. And earliest where something like this could become possible, would be that mentioned time frame. That is not what the word warning means. That is a statement about a vague estimate of an unlikely event - of course way less catchy title.

  • The natural gas through the pipelines is not owned by the transit or endpoint country. Same with Nord Stream, Germany is used as distribution hub in central Europe. E.g. after Poland closed their pipeline to Russia, their natural gas supply from Russia was simply transferred via Nord Stream and Germany, from the other side across the border into Poland.

    And even with natural gas that stays in German storages, it’s not owned by Germany. It’s owned by private companies that sell it during winter to the highest bidder. German gas storage can supply other countries that have high demand and smaller storage capacities in a cold winter.

    So regarding the resource replacement, it depends on the country that uses the natural gas at the end.

    Looking at natural gas in Germany, the usage for electricity generation is relatively low (~7-12% over the last 5 years). It’s more often used by the industry and for it’s chemical properties, as well as heating in homes. You cannot just replace that with coal or nuclear ovens. But overall there is a plan to increase the capacity for electricity generation over the next few years as backup for the coal phaseout during low renewable generation. The new gas plants are intended for natural gas and later hydrogen.

  • “Fifty terrorists arrived in vans, dressed in military uniforms,” she said.

    It is not far from the Gaza Strip, from where Hamas fighters crossed over at dawn to launch their attack. They infiltrated towns and villages, taking dozens of people hostage.

    How is that possible to get that many armed people and vehicles across THAT border? I have never been there, I only know pictures of parts of the border from media, with barb wire fences, walls, concrete blocks, surveillance cameras, military checkpoints. Pretty much a border made to prevent anything like this.

    Does anyone have further information where or how they managed to get that many people with that much equipment into Israel?

  • Data centres, business, hospitals etc. run batteries to bridge the gap until the diesel starts running. It can take a minute or a few until the diesel generator takes over, but it can run for hours and days with refuelling.

    Getting batteries for 8h is expensive and risky - what if the power cut suddenly lasts 9h? With batteries you have a fixed storage, with petrol or diesel you can just refuel.

    Having that unreliable electricity, my home server would be the least of my problems. I would already have a generator to keep the fridge running so the food doesn’t go bad every other day.

  • You should get/use one external drive for backups that you store separately (can be your 2nd or a new one). Having two separate internal drives for backup is not safe, as the system can damage data on both at the same time (e.g. malware/encryption, data corruption etc.).

    RAID is for availability/uptime. I like to compare it to a shop system at the checkout. You can’t have shop payments halted if one drive fails, so you have a RAID. It allows you to repair/replace while the system keeps running and your business keeps operating. In a large business, every hour of downtime can cost you hundreds of thousand of currency, so RAID gets even more sophisticated. Downtime is not an option.

    At home this is up to you. RAID can save you some hassle and grant performance, but likely costs you more money than it saves you. Backup is key, so have at least one separately stored copy and depending on the importance of your data, also have an off-site backup.

  • Some paragraphs for tl;dr:

    The discussions with China, Saudi Arabia, and on climate issues with Russia had been “complicated”, he added.

    Major oil producers fear the impact of drastic mitigation on their economies, and Russia and Saudi Arabia were blamed for the lack of progress in Goa.

    Reports of Saudi and Chinese resistance, he added, “fly in the face of their claims of defending the interests of developing countries”.

  • It should be clear that most of the information in the news is quoted from Putin.

    That also explains why someone who just bombed grain silos in multiple Ukrainian port cities and ended the U.N. grain deal, blames the West for screwing poor countries over.

    Or he blames western sanctions for food shortages, while at the same time bragging about exporting 60 million tonnes of grain last year and expecting a record grain harvest this year. Which again is a cynical remark, as Russia was caught stealing tonnes of Ukrainian grain to sell it as their own.

    There is not a lot of sense or truth in Putin’s statements.