Lemmington Bunnie

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • My hairdresser was disassociating due to PTSD and stuck her hand into the mower blade because it was gunked up and not moving. She forgot to turn it off and sliced her hand up, and can no longer do her job.

    Should we ban mowers?

    My uncle in law came off a motorbike and was sliced apart by a guardrail, and died.

    Should we ban motorbikes? Guardrails? Both?

    Some things come with risk but bring greater reward. We need to weigh risk vs reward, and in the balance, nuclear comes out much further ahead - as long as it built and maintained to a high standard. It’s also much, much safer and less harmful than the current options like coal.

  • I live outside of a tiny country town in Australia, and local shops literally do not carry many of the sorts of items I need or, yes, want.

    I work from home and rarely go into town, so paying twice as much and taking a day out of my life just isn’t my bag.

    If I can get local and it’s not urgent, I will put together a consolidated list and go in some weekend when I have enough to make it worthwhile.

    Sure, it probably makes me the devil, but unless I go move to a cabin in the woods and life a self-sustainable lifestyle, I can’t realistically avoid supporting some amount of evil just by existing under capitalism.

    I try to make good choices where I can, and vote for people who, ideally, could effect real change.