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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • The issue really is that these people don’t like the reminder because they don’t want to act because they are still comfortable and they know any meaningful action “threatens” their way of life (because they can only think within the box capitalism created for them, making them fear anything outside of it).

    They’ll tell you they do act until they’re blue in the face, but it will come down to things like driving an EV and using a reusable cup at Starbucks. Because it’s about making themselves feel better, not fighting the actual problem - same as framing the clock as fearmongering instead of the desperate call to action it has become…

  • Some people decided things are looking black based on things other people say. 🤷‍♂️

    Is the same line used by climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers… 🤷‍♀️

    (I’m the last person to say blindly follow or even respect authority, but this isn’t about authority, it’s about knowledge, which the people who make these decisions have significantly more of than you, or me)

    Also, you’d have to have your head reaaaaaal deep up your own ass to think things are going well on this planet, it’s not as if they’re even saying anything outlandish or far fetched… 🤦‍♀️

  • From another article I found:

    Art money laundering is a process where illegally obtained funds are disguised as legitimate income through purchasing and selling artworks. It works by exploiting the unique features of the art world, such as its lack of regulation, the opacity of transactions, and the high value of art pieces.

    • Purchasing artworks: The first step in art money laundering is to purchase an artwork using illegally obtained funds. This can be done through a shell company or anonymous trust to hide the true owner of the artwork. A work of art purchased from a museum is transported to any freeport or a high-security warehouse near airports. Artwork can be kept here for years without damage. As a result, the work to you disappears out of sight. At this point, free ports make the act of disappearance much easier. In addition, as long as they are kept in the warehouses in these ports, the works of art are considered in transit, and therefore tax is avoided. Artifacts here can be sold privately and anonymously, even without leaving the port.
    • Inflating prices: The launderer may then inflate the price of the artwork through a series of artificial transactions to make it appear as though the artwork has increased in value. At this point, if the buyer is willing to pay high prices, the value of the work can be sold at a much higher price.
    • Hiding ownership: The launderer may also hide the true owner of the artwork by transferring it to another shell company or anonymous trust. This makes it difficult for authorities to trace the ownership of the artwork and the source of its funds.
    • Selling the artwork: The final step in art money laundering is to sell the artwork for its inflated price, effectively disguising the illegal funds as legitimate income.

    Due to the special nature of the works and the transactions taking place, it becomes difficult for governments to monitor and control the sales. The transactions made can be sent to the destination country via many countries by invoicing low values. Transactions across multiple countries make the job even more complex.

  • So again, what is the difference between someone who needs all the bottle caps in the world and someone who needs all the money?

    Having all the bottle caps literally provides you with nothing while having all the money gives you ultimate and unlimited power over everyone else on the fucking plant, are you being serious right now?

    Also, and again - “not right” doesn’t equal mental illness, no matter how many times you repeat it.

    I seriously doubt you’re a trained psychiatrist or even psychologist, stop armchair diagnosing, and you are also wilfully and deliberately ignoring all of the systemic influences that create billionaires and their psychology, you don’t have the knowledge nor the tools to make the assertions you’re so confidently making and by doing so throwing mentally ill people under the bus, all because the world is too complex and uncomfortable for you to deal with without finding a scapegoat.

  • You’re having a fucking laugh, right? There are literally people in this thread saying (or upvoting those that say) this should be illegal.

    The whole reason this thread and news article exists seems to refute that. I know it’s only one data point, but the situation is notable on a global scale.

    I honestly don’t care how you’ve managed to convince yourself that what you recognise is a single anecdote, and is only getting global coverage because of how rare and unusual it is, somehow refutes the existence of abled supremacy, but it doesn’t. If anything, it proves its existence.

    The idea that disabled people are seen or treated as equal and equitable in our societies is so wildly and wilfully ignorant, I honestly don’t have words…

  • And maybe you should learn to listen to disabled people about ableism (never mind actual guidelines on how to work with disabled people in general, and people with Down’s Syndrome specifically, a significant volume of which mention the long standing “nonsensical idiom” you’re dismissing because you are unfamiliar and it makes you uncomfortable to acknowledge, something you would know if you simply looked it up which I didn’t need to, but which took literally 2 seconds to do), rather than assume we “have no experience” (again - dismissing agency) and talk over us because that’s easier than admitting that you even have bias, never mind *shock horror* might actually be wrong about something and have a really dismissive and infantilising attitude (you’re not even special, unfortunately these attitudes are prevalent in people who work with disabled people and automatically think it makes them infallible saints. Hell, these jobs attract people who think they’re better than us, and know better than us about us). And yet, to an outsider in an ableist society, you seem more qualified to speak on disability than disabled people are, and you confirm their ableist bias which makes them comfortable and even less willing to listen to us, so well done on actively contributing to ableism cycle…
    It’s fucked up on so many levels, but mostly I feel bad for your clients.