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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • He exhales much more air (therefore droplets contaminated with covid) much faster, covering a much larger area with it, and guess who has to run straight into his lung cloud.

    They say it’s safer outdoors because it dissipates easily, and after a short while the concentration drops to safe levels. But not when the very next instant you run straight into it with your mouth open, inhaling.

    This is why I hated when people used to form dense lines outdoors, taking off their mask because it’s not required outside. Like you couldn’t still micro(macro?)spit someone in the face as you talk or even breathe.

  • I can’t speak for them (too well), but imagine that up until 30 years ago the US was one country with Canada under the name of… I don’t know, the United Canastates, and as you’re watching your favourite olympic sport rooting for your favourite player, someone introduces them as someone from the United Cana… Can… United States.

    To be fair, even after typing this out I wouldn’t be outraged, just slightly irked, but we’re all different.

  • My problem is not that there exists ONE guy like him. It rather worries me that he’s been doing shit like that for the past fourteen years, people have been watching it and every four years since then, more than half of them were like “yeah, that’s what I want for the next four years, too.”

    Obviously it would still be unjust to judge the other half, but the fact that half of the county supports this thing is worrying at the very least.

  • This is great news and in any civilised country it would be enough to topple the government, or at least knock a few corrupt politicians out of their chair. Too bad it’s playing in Hungary, instead. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hoping for the best, but there was a similar spark of hope back when one of Orbán’s former oligarchs turned against him. Nothing happened, the propaganda worked and the masses voted for them again.

    Then Gábor Kaleta, the Hungarian Ambassador of Peru was caught having watched terabytes of child pornography on a CP site. While he was actually condemned, he only got one year suspended prison sentence and a laughable amount of fines (considering the crime, the volume and his position): 540K HUF which amounts to ~1360 EUR. Did that make people totally pissed? Not really. The governing party, FIDESZ made a law “against paedophiles” to “protect children and families”, and intentionally mashed paedophiles and gay people together, making bookstores wrap any kind of book that may contain the slightest amount of LGBT topic. Their voters were happy for it.

    Then József Szájer, the MP of the gay bashing, Brussels hating government’s coalition party, KDNP (Christian Democratic People’s Party) was caught trying to escape out of the window, down the gutter pipe from a gay gangbang party, with some kind of drug (Ecstasy?) in his backpack, wearing only underpants. Did Fidesz’s support decrease? Hell, no. They won another 2/3 of the votes on the next election.

    Then (more recently), due to some unlikely luck, someone found out that the President of the Republic pardoned a person who was trying to cover up for the paedophile head of a foster home who abused a dozen kids (these pardons are usually not made public for some reason). Some investigation started and it turned out that she (the PotR) was pressioned by the aforementioned KDNP’s main politicians. For the pardon to take effect, the head of the Ministry of Justice also had to confirm it. Guess what, that person is Judit Varga, the ex wife in the main article. They (the PotR and Varga) both resigned, but the KDNP member refused to. Did that discourage people from supporting FIDESZ? Not the slightest bit. The ones who were never the strongest fans and neutral/opposition voters got outraged by it, understandably. But FIDESZ’s 2/3 was still standing strong. Imagine MAGA level ignorance.

    …aaaaand now, as it turns out, the HEAD of the friggin’ MINISTRY OF JUSTICE knew about this investigation going on about Völner, even warned him to stop, and did absolutely nothing when he even refused to stop. Not just that, but according to the recording, she even knew about the Cabinet chief trying to tamper with sensitive documents and scripts about this case (trying to cut ties to themselves).

    I wonder if the voters are outraged by this more than the fearmongering done by FIDESZ about LGBT people, Soros, immigrants (while they are the ones trying to incorporate/settle Chinese policemen to expand the CCP’s surveillance, Philippino bus drivers, Thai battery factory workers, etc.), the EU, Western European states and a former prime minister (who was and is god awful to date, to be fair) taking over the country and running it into the ground. Considering the past 14 years, I think I could bet money.

  • Orbán is Putin’s butt plug and will be until he dies of old age. As much as I would love my country to stay in the EU, the only way to stop this raging toddler from destroying other kids’ Lego castles is to lock him out of the room.

    The problem is, once the country is out of the EU’s protection, daddy Russia will be happy to raise him an alcoholic, racist scumbag.

    I really don’t know how the country can be saved from sinking even deeper in the mud it finally emerged from in 1989.

  • Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about this particular case. I’m talking in general. It’s not just quite depressing that people are still trying to “solve” their problems by killing each other but also that they feel this is their only option (or, alternatively, it’s also depressing that people get into this oppressive relationship to begin with). Suggesting a cool headed, socially sensitive society, you would expect them to come to a compromise together, maybe even involving 3rd parties.

    But no, humanity had to take this path.

    (but just because humans have tried to resolve their issues in a violent manner before it doesn’t mean that’s the best example to follow as well)

  • I never supposed it would take 2 minutes of talking, but I hope you also understand that killing a few thousand people won’t really resolve the problem, either. And it doesn’t take a science degree. Nobody said I was superior in any way (what does my person have to do with in this matter anyway?); you can actually come to this conclusion without a degree. Still, people shed blood like it would solve anything. If you honestly think negotiations from both parts (and understanding the other side’s perspective) is not the solution (or at least the part of it) then I’m really curious to how this situation could be handled so that there wouldn’t be any more pointless killings.

  • It’s barbaric and totally dumb already if you’re trying to resolve an interpersonal conflict by being rude or swearing at others. You have a problem with someone else? Maybe sit down and talk about it like two intelligent individuals. Nothing will get any better if you knock their teeth out. Let alone doing some serious harm. Let alone killing one person.

    …and here we are, trying to solve a problem in 2023 by killing thousands, ten thousands, hundred thousands of people. I really don’t know what they expect to happen realistically.

    EDIT: I was talking about how horrible it is that humans are trying to resolve their problems by killing each other. I wonder how it is somehow a good thing to some of you. I’m honestly curious, if you want to actually give reasons.