• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Poverty has never been a major cause of low births. The poorest countries in the world have the highest birth rates. Instead it’s about increasing women’s health and education, giving them the choice to have fewer children or none. Turns out when they have the choice women don’t want to get pregnant and raise kids at 20. They want to have careers and lives and travel and stuff.

    Nations need to make child rearing more appealing for couples to want to be parents. Because a huge chunk of people could have salary raises and homes and be upper class and still now want to have kids.

  • I wanted to like this show way more than I did. But it just didn’t scratch the itch. The main characters seemed a bit lost, like we needed more streamlining to their story to have a satisfying arc. I like the main actresses in other stuff but I don’t think they were right to play these people.

    Honestly it seems like the biggest problem is that any story they make up for this time period is kneecapped by having it all end with the Sequels.a story about rebuilding the republic in the shadow of the Empire would be epic and a perfect use of these characters. But knowing it all goes boom and cloned snokes and emperors are soaking in a vat like sea monkies makes it all a bit meh.

    Overall meh, I’ll tune in next year and see what happens. I just think it could be better.

  • For me, this raises a lot of questions. Sabine is force sensitive now? Does this mean anyone could be a Jedi? Why are there so many humans in this galaxy? How was it so easy to set up the republic after the fall of the Empire? There’s a story here but I’m not sure if this is telling the right one with right crew. This isn’t bad, it just feels like missed potential.

    But nice to see Mom Mothma in another series.