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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Imagine how the AG’s office with the set of people that were last on the stand and seemed to be kissing his ass, will be able to cover up things now? They will obviously just be much stealthier, and without repercussions from things like emails and texts on systems that cannot be accounted for. Why did no one on the prosecution pursue that further. Their excuse was that they used that for the China trip. I don’t recall hearing anyone ask the dates of the China trip and whether or not 1) they continued use beyond the China trip and 2) pulled all communication during the China trip and archived it after. To me, regardless of the other claims, etc, that right there was a clear violation of the law. Any state employee’s work is public record, and they destroyed public records by not backing that up and turning it into public record after the trip. If you think the AG’s office was corrupt now, just wait till all those people working there get their reward.

  • Commenting because I too am interested in this. I also would like to see if anyone has solved the issue with Thunderbird and Yahoo email where only 10,000 emails are kept. I have an inbox with about 20+years of emails, and with the 10k cap, I realized Thunderbird was literally deleting the oldest ones. Since I wisely told it not to delete them on the server when it copied them, I didn’t lose them, but with that volume of emails, I really don’t want to have to manually move them into folders. Guess this turned into a ramble, but it would be nice to have a backup since you never know when one day you will wake up to be told service x is shutting down.