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Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • The problem isn’t that AirBnB gets a cut, the problem is that they make such a process more efficient and accessible. Property is a finite resource, especially when talking about a specific area like a city. We don’t want to turn cities into amusement parks that the workers have to commute an hour to get to, even if that’s what is the most profitable. Housing should be affordable and available for the people who actually use and make the city run daily.

  • I didn’t think it was a choreographed publicity stunt. I just know Altman has used AI fear in the past to keep people from asking rational questions like “What can this actually do?” He obviously stands to gain from people thinking they are on the verge of agi. And someone looking for a new job in the field also has to gain from it.

    As for the software thing, if it’s done by someone it won’t be openai and megacorporations following in its footsteps. They seem insistent at throwing more data (of diminishing quality) and more compute (an impractical amount) at the same style of models hoping they’ll reach some kind of tipping point.

  • The resource we are talking about is cheap clothing though. Producing cheap clothing just feels like digging holes to fill them back in again. Why would you want productive jobs that don’t actually produce anything of value? What would be the point of producing paperclips if someone either gave you a bunch of paperclips or sold them to you extremely cheaply?

    I get the self reliance aspect. However for clothing I don’t think it’s as important because a country isn’t going to collapse if it can’t get clothing imports for a year, like it would if it were reliant on food imports.

    Anyway, the over production of clothing for the West definitely is a problem, and it’s highlighted by cases like this. But I wouldn’t frame it as a necessarily a Ugandan problem. We shouldn’t glorify jobs or industry for the sake of jobs or industry, they should fill a purpose that isn’t filled in people’s needs and wants.