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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah, it is most definitely in the US/NATO’s best interests to continue supporting Ukraine against russia, as the longer the conflict continues, the more severely russia cripples itself against any future conflicts. It’s already an impossibility for russia to feasibly launch a successful offensive against any NATO nation at this point.

    Why the hell would we stop supporting Ukraine when that serves to further our own interests and further weaken our greatest enemy?

    That is, unless you’re a compromised republican/MAGA moron… (Hope it’s clear I’m not referring to the user above me here.)

  • After the losses russia has sustained in Ukraine (equipment, serviceman) I just can’t imagine a war with NATO being feasible. Even if putin initiated a war due to delusions/false beliefs in russian military capability, I feel like they pose about as much of a threat to NATO as north korea…

    NATO would absolutely decimate russia in traditional warfare. I’m not arguing against strengthening boarders, but russia is a joke of ‘military superpower.’ The longer russia wages war with Ukraine, the less of a threat they will be in the future. Their population still hadn’t recovered from their incompetent approach to WWII, and they’ve been repeating their strategy of throwing bodies into the meat grinder with much less success this time around. They’ve stooped to sending their prison population to fight in Ukraine out of desperation…

    The only threat to NATO russia could pose is with chemical and/or nuclear warfare. And even then, I highly doubt even half of their nuclear surplus is even operational. Look at how this war with Ukraine revealed how systemic corruption resulted in russia’s assets/equipment being neglected/never even existing but on paper.

    Actual conflict with NATO is just a pipe dream for russia. In waging war with Ukraine, putin revealed that russia being a “military superpower” is merely a myth. putin is just a self-deluded weak tyrant like his buddy kim, who he’s had to buy weapons from due to diminishing russia’s surplus. And china is just a paper tiger whose military has only been tested thru genocide and fist fights on India’s border.

    Obviously I’m not privy to the intelligence information of NATO allies, but I’m more concerned about stubbing my toe than russia invading NATO countries.

  • I’ve worked with very nice people convicted of murder. The world is not black and white. We all live in the grey.

    Any person is capable of murder if pushed beyond their threshold. There are common mitigating factors like alcohol/substance use, high danger/crime neighborhoods, and childhood abuse.

    I had a forensic client who committed a particularly bad murder, and he had antisocial personality disorder (sociopathy) from extreme childhood trauma/abuse, had a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder with paranoid auditory, visual, and command hallucinations, and he was also very sleep-deprived and high on meth.

    That was a recipe for disaster, and he brutally, heinously murdered his childhood best friend and roommate. He tried to call the person he murdered to bail him out of jail, not truly comprehending what he’d done. He refused the NGRI plea and told the judge “I’m guilty. I deserve the time.” He got 20 years.

    Another convicted murderer I worked with was a very sweet elderly man who was a vietnam spook. He got a murder rap when he was having a psychotic episode/flashbacks and fired into a crowd.

    I worked with a lot of people who were in and out of the DOC their whole lives, trapped in the revolving door. They weren’t bad people. They were victimized people who needed help. Most of these people never truly had support before in their lives.

    Many murder charges and harsh criminal sentences are pegged on lower-functioning individuals who cannot properly defend themselves. Police here in the U.S. are notorious for goating false confessions from this population. I worked with many people like this who were abused, chewed up, and spit out by the criminal justice system.

    I worked with the population you’re ignorantly dehumanizing. You’re not justified. You’re just demonstrating your own narrow-mindedness. Dehumanizing is a bad thing. Period.

    What you are doing is lumping innocent people falsely charged with murder (including low-functioning and disabled individuals) with brutal murderers. You’re also taking potentially a single, rash, worst mistake of someone’s life, and judging their entire personhood from it.

    That’s bullshit. We all have a threshold for rationality and keeping our cool. There are typically other very important mitigating factors, especially alcohol/substance use, in which the perpetrator wasn’t in their right mind.

    Anyone and everyone has the capacity for violence when pushed beyond our threshold. We switch from rational thinking to emotional thinking, which makes us feel more justified in our actions.

    A great example of this where you can see someone lose their rationality is the behind the scenes of Bad Grampa with the penguin guy. You can watch as Johnny Knoxville slowly erodes his cool/capacity for rationality.

    Now imagine you were being raped by your step brother and beaten by your step father every night. Imagine you join the military to turn your life around and escape, you excell, and then your schizophrenia symptoms manifest, and you’re discharged. You’re left with no resources, social or support system. You can’t maintain your medication prescription because of your disability. You are destitute and have to live a rough life on the streets to survive. You turn to drugs to ‘self-medicate’ and because everyone in your group is using. You fall into an addiction and you are high on meth, sleep deprived, awake now for over 3 days. On your walk back to your apartment, you (perceive that you) are being pursued by police choppers and the police are even hiding in the trees watching you on your walk home. You are extremely paranoid, hallucinating, and in survival mode. Then your roommate and childhood best friend is in the wrong place at the wrong time. You feel like your life is endangered, and command hallucinations are demanding you kill the assailant.

    That’s the reality of that former client of mine. That’s the grey we all live in. A murder charge doesn’t mean someone is despicable, sub-human waste. They are a deeply flawed human being just like you and I. And they are capable of change, like that former client of mine. He turned his life around.

    You’re not justified in dehumanizing this population whatsoever. Dehumanization is a despicable tactic employed by fascists and dictators, and attempts to justify cruelty against a group of people.

  • Alright, everyone needs to learn to identify trolls/hateful idiots and just not engage when it’s on this level. To be crystal clear, I’m referring to the user Earthwormjim91.

    If this individual truly believes the delusional bullshit they’re peddling, do you really think you are going to change their addled mind? No. Just bury hate and misinformation like this with downvotes and move on.

    There’s no fruitful discussion to be had with people like this. They just spew bullshit like diarrhea in regard to any evidence or counterpoint. They argue in bad faith and are not bound by facts, logic, or the truth.

    Engaging with toxic users like this just provides more comments for them to respond to and spread more hateful lies and misinformation.

    Don’t feed trolls people.