• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • The first game is much creepier than the second, I think due to a combination of the character designs, the writing and the general plot. The second game feels more akin to Danganronpa, in that the characters and setting are a bit surreal. Because it was a 3DS game, it also uses cartoony 3D models that make everything a bit lighter and less gritty than the original game. I haven’t played the third one yet (still need to get around to 100% completing the second game).

  • One that is concerned about a public backlash. I’m not sure if you’re from Australia, but the community is very divided here over this issue. It’s also an issue that tends to be divided by age groups, with older people being more likely to support Israel’s actions or see criticism of Israel as anti-semitism. Classical concert audiences tend to be quite old. With this context in mind, I suspect the MSO received a handful of complaints and incorrectly assumed this position would be less inflammatory. It’s possible that it actually is within their immediate audience, but the problem with making a big public statement like they’ve done is that it automatically puts you on a "side’ in this heated and highly polarised environment.

    They should have just spoken to the soloist privately and explained their concerns to him prior to the next concert, instead of turning it into a big controversy. As triggered as some people may have been by the introduction, it wouldn’t have been enough to turn this into a real controversy the way it has become since they cancelled the concert. Like this news story is not actually anywhere near important enough to make World News communities and get outraged replies from foreigners who had never even heard of the MSO before this. It’s the story’s connection to the situation in Gaza that is the big issue here, and deliberately involving themselves in that was a massive PR mistake.

  • He was cancelled for calling Aboriginal people victims of settler-colonialism in Australia

    Extremely unlikely. Australia’s colonial history and its impact on Indigenous Australians is a very common theme in modern Australian classical music and many concerts I have been to, including one just the other week, have conductors or soloists introduce the piece and specifically cite the context behind it. Unless the MSO is significantly different (which it doesn’t appear to be, based on some quick searches of Indigenous-themed concerts) this is not the reason. It was his comments about Israel targeting and killing journalists (what you quoted is not the actual introduction he made at the concert) which led to the cancellation.

  • This is just an argument for ceding space to conservatives, which makes them seem more prevalent than they are, because they’ve driven the opposition away.

    The irony of a Beehaw user trying to making this argument in a Beehaw thread…

    Whether social media is essential to life or not, it’s a normal part of modern life, and telling people to avoid it is no different than telling people to avoid bars or clubs if they don’t want to be harassed. It’s just victim blaming.

    The correct comparison would be that it is like returning to the same bar, on the same day, at the same time when you know the people who have harassed you previously will be there. It is not victim blaming to suggest avoiding that particular bar if attending it is causing the person to have a mental breakdown. Giving choice, power and control back to the victim is not the same as blaming them for their situation. Again, we are having this conversation in a Beehaw thread; if you don’t understand the significance of that then I don’t know what else to say.

  • Is it actually viable for ordinary people to purchase small amounts of cryptocurrency for the sole purposes of making more private purchases online or taking advantage of cryptocurrency discounts? All the coverage on them is about large-scale investing which makes me feel like no one buying and selling actually has any interest in cryptocurrencies as an alternative currency. Instead it’s just about getting rich, which is a massive turn off.

  • I see a lot of people reacting negatively to minorities and leftists breaking down on social media

    The thing about that though is right wingers will push and push and push. They will spend all day every day harassing someone until they finally break down and have an outburst.

    If you don’t spend all day on social media, you can’t be harassed on social media all day. If an online space is so toxic that you are “breaking down” then you have a responsibility to yourself to reassess whether it is actually healthy for you to be spending time in that space. Don’t get hung up on some kindergarten ideas about “fairness” or “they started it”, take a step back and realise that you actually have agency and choice. It is very strange to me that people complain about how toxic social media is and then change absolutely nothing about their own behaviour. Social media is non-essential to life, you do not need to be using it. Particularly not if it is causing you severe mental stress.

  • That was a good read, thanks for sharing. I agree with his caution. Probably the most important line there is the one people seem to most often forget:

    Online subcommunities vastly overrate how representative their views are of the larger electorate

    You could also say online sub-communities often vastly underestimate how important the views of a minority of the electorate are. It doesn’t matter if a majority of your peers in the US, or even the world, think Trump is unelectable or that Harris will win in a landslide. The young left in the US sometimes loses sight of that because their social media bubble constantly reinforces a positive news cycle about their candidate and a negative news cycle about their opponent.

  • I recently reset a laptop with Windows 11 on it, prior to installing Linux, and went through the setup process again. It is so bad now, the offline account option was completely missing and it was constantly trying to push Microsoft services on me. It felt very reminiscent of how freeware installations often try to trick users into accepting additional third party garbage.