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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • that can’t be employed at scale as readily

    Well there’s your problem right there:

    You’re concerned we can’t scale up arbitrary killings? Would you prefer something on a larger, more industrial scale, perhaps with large, gas-fueled ovens?

    Killing should be hard, and it should be personal, not vaguely waving a hand in a general direction. You should know their name and hopefully have filled out a few forms beforehand.

    If you want to kill somebody, when you aren’t at war with their entire country, then BE SPECIFIC.

    Drone strikes that take out a known Al-Queda leader: ✅

    Drone strike that takes out a random Afghan wedding: ❌

  • Drones, yes. Infantry? Less so.

    Dudes have to be well prepared, equipped, have solid Intel and the tanker has to either be stupid or have bad leadership.

    The tanks should keep their distance and support infantry while keeping a look out on thermal for anything that gets too close. They have emergency features like trophy (it’s a explosion that shoots down missiles) but mostly they wait for infantry to find targets for them to blow up.

    In tank-tank combat they often let their infantry fall back while they lock on at range and hope their gunnery is better.