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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The plastic straws thing drives me up the wall.
    They had to choose the smallest of possible plastic items to replace with the smallest impact (compared to things like plastic plates/cutlery or something). But paper/cardboard straws SUCK. Smoothies/thick shakes/juices/cocktails, its mush before your done or just straight up bends and snaps when you try to stir the drink after a couple minutes of bing in there. Plastic straws disappeared immediately but the lids for coffee cups and soft drinks are only just getting phased out now? Its like they did the absolute least possible and went “look at us saving the environment!”. At least bamboo straws and other biodegradables hold up the whole way through the drink.

  • This is becoming an issue in Australia, we have high solar uptake but a lot of systems were installed before batteries were readily available earlier on or without batteries to save outlay. The result is that there is more energy on the grid during the day while nobody is home and the grid highly utilised at night, but there is less people paying utility fees & usage so the grid will soon become underfunded for repairs and expanding infrastructure.
    Its not a problem yet but there will be policy and taxing changes in the near future to account for this (similar to fuel exercise tax being shifted from being tacked onto the fuel prices to instead be some tax or licence fee as we shift to electric/green tech vehicles)

  • No matter how much we would like to completely ignore the existence of the stock market & banker bros the fact is that these greedy fucks thirst for profits so keenly that the can completely fuck up economies and send ripples across the world that affects everyone.
    For example the GFC (caused by banks/finance institutions taking risks causing a total collapse when the gambles didnt pay off) which we are still affected by today to an extent.
    Their insatiable need to make just that extra %profit can affect whether some random family in another country can put food on the table.

    So yeah i agree, anything to make life harder for the ones who take advantage of us.