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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Listen, I would be the first to point fingers. And I did in case of the FvD. And yes, Wilders is inherently untustworthy and undemocratic.

    But the people voting for him en masse do not vote for him for that. I did not make the point that the PVV is not a dangerous party, but the media is portraying his voters as rabid racists, and that is (sadly) untrue, he managed to grab the interest of the lower middleclass and elderly, incuding second and third generation immigrants. They are concerned with housing, healthcare and spending power.

  • But that’s hardly the point.

    Look, I am not saying Wilders is not a creep. But their success right now is despite him and his anti-constitutional viewpoints. There was room for a big populist party with mass appeal and they fill that void. And the media is misrepresenting his voters. I am not one of them, and would never be, but I do know quite a few of people that switched to PVV and they did so because they felt he would work to get the lower middle class and elderly a better standard of living, something all other parties seem to fail to deliver on.

  • Intoletance has originally always been a right wing mainstay and that is why the PVV are lumped in with that. But if you look at their program, apart from the anti-islam rhetoric, they want affordable care and lower the pension age. Clear centrist/left-wing viewpoints. And this is overlooked by the oversimplifying media. Yes, PVV are riding on the wave of anti immigration sentiment. But they reached this level of support by not being fascists like the FvD for example. The old left/right wing nomenclature is not sufficient to describe the ways parties amd society change.

    On any case, the foreign media is tarring the PVV voters with the brush of racist extremists, and the reality is much, much more nuanced.

  • We have come to fundamentally different insight into the psyches of the rich and the ultra rich. There’s a reason I say that for me they might as well be adiiferent species, we’ll see in the fullness of time how this develops. Both the system and the individual in it can be problem. Glossing over an, in my mind, fundamental difference is a mistake. But that’s my opinion of course. It’s clear you do not get my argument and that’s that.

    I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this subject. Fact is that the world is in serious peril, and the foundations of our system are shaking at its core.

  • Oh, it was bad already. But what most people do not realize how far removed from the “real” world that you, me and yes-millionaires inhabit the multibillionaires are. The “out of touch” elite of the old rich and powerful did exist in the same framework we did. The megarich do not. The difference between indirect influence and direct power might seem trivial but I am convinced it’s not just fundamentally different but also potentially catastrophic as they might as well be a different species from us for all practical purposes and to have them make decisions that directly influence our lifes but not theirs is Kafkaesque.