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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • American politics are all right wing compared to other socially democratic countries.

    Our major political parties are the Australian Labor Party (progressive/socialist), Liberal Party of Australia (capitalist/liberal), The Greens (environmental/progressive), National Party of Australia(authoritarian/regressives).

    The Liberals and the Nats have a coalition called the Liberal National Party (LNP) because it’s the only way they can get enough representation to get majority government.

    Greens typically vote along Labor lines.

  • I don’t give a shit which side of history you want to fall on, no democratic society can be expected to make a cognizant decision without knowledge. I want for our Aboriginal people’s to have as much support as they deserve, however making a constitutional change before you write the plan is fucking ignorant.

    I might vote Labor, but I don’t support aggrivated ignorance, lack of conviction, and poorly thought out attempts at virtue signalling without putting any real weight behind it. If you want to act like you’re want to make a change, prove it by coming up with a plan before you choose to start the plan. I want to see real change for our Aboriginal ancestors, not sweeping the real issue under the rug with a token gesture.

    I’ve got a better idea than the voice, liquidate the Australian billionaires who raped our country for it’s resources for profit and give those proceeds to groups dedicated to improving indigenous people’s situation, and even that is a more cohesive plan than what was put forward.