Maoo [none/use name]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Suggesting that World War II was sparked by Molotov-Ribbentop is just embarrassing for this “historian”. Expansionist Germany had much earlier roots grounded in ideology, political struggle, and material conditions. Or even more simply, you’d need to not know about the expansions just prior to this (e.g. Sudetenland) and the very explicit plans by the Nazis to e simultaneously expand both East and West. They didn’t create their Western front in response to the UK declaring war, lol. Just… cartoonish nonsense.

    The article even lumps all things German together as if Soviets importing tech in 1922 is somehow working with and supporting the Nazis (you know, the people that started WWII) rather than the liberal and even monarchist factions.

    The only question is whether this person is less competent than a middle schooler writing a book report or if they are cynically self-promoting, an opportunist.

    Probably both.