• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I got a 1st Gen 3DS second hand some time ago. What I like:

    • Pokemon, Zelda, and Animal Crossing.
    • The 3D effect and dual cameras are neat, though a little gimmicky.

    What I don’t like:

    • The heavy reliance upon internet connectivity. I can’t change the details of the account on it without losing access to the downloaded games. I can’t even change it anyway, because the online store is closed.
    • The control stick sucks. It’s good for a very flat control stick, but it doesn’t feel nice to use.
    • Proprietary power connector.
    • The viewing angle on the screen is pretty shallow.

    I have a Steam Deck, and it’s just better in all respects. I get that it’s comparing a very new device against an old device, but I don’t really see a reason to pull out the 3DS when I could have a better experience on the SD.

  • That is not correct.


    Writing in 1964, Mead found that across a range of cultures, extraordinary abuse of animals (e.g., torture, killing) by children may precede more violent acts by that individual as an adult [48]. She argued that an act of cruelty towards an animal by a child could “prove a diagnostic sign, and that such children, diagnosed early, could be helped instead of being allowed to embark on a long career of episodic violence and murder (p. 22). Her writings influenced the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to add animal cruelty to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders–III R (DSM-III R) in 1987. In the 2013 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) animal cruelty was retained as a symptom of conduct disorder [49,50].

    Additional studies in the 60′s also documented the Link between violence towards animals in childhood and aggressive behavior towards humans in adulthood [51,52].

  • Senator Johnson says [Republicans’ justifications are] nonsense and insists Republicans are trying to do two things at once.

    “Simultaneously rig the election so that they can win, and delegitimize the vote so that if they don’t win, or if they win by a narrow margin, they can blame someone else,” the Democrat told us on Inside Texas Politics. “They are trying to stop people from voting, to scare people from voting.”

    It’s nice to see our politicians saying it out loud, instead of playing nice to the cameras while people’s ability to vote is at stake. Harris is within spitting distance of Trump in Texas, and it would be a massive(ly overdue) wakeup call if Republicans lost their “guaranteed” 40 electoral college votes.

  • The other reason there won’t be an electronic edition is that unlike bunnie, I’m a Chinese national. My offering an app or download specifically for English-speaking hardware engineers to install on their phones would be… iffy. If at some point “I” do offer you such a thing, I’d suggest you not use it.

    That “I” is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Even surveilled, she’s still getting out the word to be wary of CCP tactics, like publishing an app using her forged identity.

    What an absolute boss.