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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Slava Ukraini indeed. Israeli citizens do, however have some valid problems with how they’re treated by the Islamic nations :| killing a bunch of people where the population demographics is half children is indeed a bit ermh, uh questionable. Feel like having a war criminals trial would be suitable for Hamas and the IDF. What was the name of that unit? 8 something something 👁️👁️👁️📿📿📿🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • There is a lot to be angry over. A lot of her logic reminds me of a friend of mine who id known for 7 years who joined the navy recently. We had a falling out for a year, and when I started talking to him again, he had become pro life and “the civil war wasn’t about slavery” sort of shit. THOSE “debates” kept me up at night for months thinking about them afterwards @_@ though, he shut the fuck up real quick about the civil war when I started linking Smithsonian articles about the Confederate declarations of Independence or w/e…

    Specifically, WHY they were seceding. Then he just pivoted to abortion… Id murder a trillion clumps of cells in the womb to save or make better the life of one actual god damn human being :/

  • M8, you’re saying these things as if I’m not aware of the hypocrisy. Asking her why she disliked Netanyahu, and then her telling me he isn’t extreme ENOUGH because he failed to protect them, yeahhhh. Then on being pressed for examples of historical leaders she thinks the leaders of Israel should emulate today, she sent me a link to one of the leaders of the Zionist movement before Israels founding who was… You guessed it… pretty terrorist-y in their behavior. The irony was not apparent to her, and the cognitive dissonance was palpable.

    Asking her why I as a foreign national should give a flying fuck about Israeli hostages (she mentions them so much) compared to say Ukraine, she said I wouldn’t get it as I’m not Israeli (tribalism much?), and that the hostages are going through so much suffering. I sent her a before and after of a Ukrainian pow from Mauripol… Still didn’t care. Initially, I thought she was working for the IDF doing psyops, noooooope. She genuinely believes her governments propaganda and thinks the worlds media apparatus is just, lying all the time about what’s happening.

  • I’ve been talking to an Israeli girl for the last few months… Interesting to see things from their perspective. Ya know, if I had to hide in shelters from rocket attacks almost everyday, witnessing a stabbing that happened right next to a date I was having, etc, I’d probably be pretty fucking jaded as well.

    The recent pulling of UNWRA funding was pretty telling imo :/ what are you supposed to do as a state when you have a bunch of kids being radicalized by billionaires living in Qatar to kill Jews n that it would be an honorable death doing so…

    This same girl was thankful for the illegal Israeli settlers in the west bank because they act as a buffer to keep the Israeli center safe as they pull ire to them vs where she lives. I know it is a talking point, but I’d be curious to hear y’all’s answer on why the Egyptian border looks the way it does vs the Israeli one with Gaza.

    Talking to this gal initially, I viewed it as trying to understand the perspective of a true believing Nazi German who happened to be ludicrously hot. The saying of “when you start into the abyss for too long, the abyss stares back” is too true >_< she calls the Palestinians rats quite frequently. I’m sad to say that hearing about her life, I’ve come to understand why she thinks the way she does. Even if I heavily disagree with a lot of her opinions and her fact checking.

    Just yesterday I was talking to her about the tankboi killing those journalists in Lebanon. Her knee jerk reaction was that it was lies. Had to coax out of her which foreign media source she trusted based off what she had seen… It was fucking fox (of course). So I linked her a fox article about it, and it was quite entertaining feeling the gears turn.