Bleeping Lobster

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I had a woman the other day doing this. She was determined to type on her laptop despite not just her body but her elbows / arms breaching my side. After about an hour of this I got fed up, seized the moment as she got something from her bag to actually sit back in my seat for the first time. She did not like this and proceeded to stubbornly type like a t-rex with her elbow either in my guts or smashed into the crook of my arm.

    Not sure what’s difficult to understand for someone like that; if what they want to do involves spreading out into someone elses seat, then they have to pause the task.

  • I will readily acknowledge that it was unsafe (I don’t think it’s a coincidence that’s when my heriditary hair loss kicked in). I was taking a vitamin supplement and using myFitnessPal to track calories, some days I only had 300 calories but most days I had 500-600.

    For me, gradual weight loss seemed unattainable. I kept trying and failing. So I just said fuck it I’m going to do something drastic to lose the weight. Of course, having willpower and losing the weight gradually is the best way to do it.

  • Personally I think it’s a bit rude when someone is hanging over into my seat, pressed up against me and forcing me out into the aisle. I’d like to sit in 100% of my seat please.

    I put some weight on over the pandemic and I do sympathise that losing weight is quite hard. But fuck if it got to the point I needed 1.5 seats, I’d either do something drastic about it (like the time I had 500 calories a day for a few months and dropped from 15 to 12.5 stone, sorry for the caveman units), or book two seats.

  • In the past I’d say it’s a bit of both, though moreso the type of shitheads attracted to ‘scary’ breeds is also as likely to be shit at training/ socialising them. There’s some good evidence though that this particular ‘XL’ breed has higher rates of inbreeding and has already been selected for agression (not to mention their increased size & power).

    Think it’s a fair point some are making though that just banning the latest dangerous breed is missing the wood for the trees. There should be serious penalties from any dog attack, for the owner; treat it the same as possession of a dangerous weapon like a gun or zombie knife.