Fucking hell… Makes sense though, they earned 30k a year, 200k ain’t enough to challenge the bankroll potential of Nintendo.
this is beyond awful, especially to us with broken switches who want to play the games we own in these times, and everyone who can’t/ won’t afford their shit.
This is the bullshit that deserves shouting and death threats, not people making a subpar decision for a game or a bad one.
For personal context, this is one of my favorite stories period, and season 1 of the anime is a guilty pleasure of mine.
Just read the manga for this one.
This episode feels like a poor summary of the manga and should’ve been 2 episodes: 1 for lime latte’s resolution, and the second one for mr trans on a whim. Yes, the amount of detail cut out if you know the manga (much less the LN im guessing) is THAT MUCH.