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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Man, this is sad as hell.

    I did not agree with his politics, but he deserved better than this.

    Sure, there are politicians in this country who I wouldn’t mind seeing disappear from politics, but I sure as hell don’t want to see anyone dead

    The last five years of his life sucked ass. Came out as gay in a conservative party, ran for PM and got laughed at, got divorced, and still stuck by his career dispute almost everyone suggesting he retire. In a world with more and more flaccid career politicians and trump-wannabes, I can respect a dude for a least sticking to what he believes in, conservative as they might be.

  • Eh.

    Looking through Danish new sites (Dr.dk, Information, Politiken), there is not a single headline about this. I’m curious as to why, and what the angle will be, whenever we get any domestic news on it.

    In principle, I think this is a good thing, and something we should have done a long time ago. However, our current PM (Mette Frederiksen) has a history of promising the moon and then never actually getting around to delivering on it, so I’m kind of half-way expecting this to mean “we’ll establish a comittee that’ll start an investigation into what we can send and when we can send it” and then it’ll take them a year or more to figure out the logistics of it, at which point it might be too late.

    I should be excited about this, but I am so jaded by our politicans complete lack of interest in anything else than playing the game and staying in power that I struggle to be.

  • If I’m not mistaken, there’s a weird trend here.

    My SO worked in admin at a school for a few years, primarily young people of less fortunate backgrounds, immigrants, etc.

    To her great surprise, almost everyone aged 16-22 knew how to use a phone, but an equality small percentage were comfortable with PCs, macbooks or other desktop systems.

    That surprised the hell of me. Like you, I grew up using brick phones, then command line systems, then gui computers. I grew up being better at computers than my parents generation, a digital native who was expected to fix the older generations computers, fully expecting to be one day out-done by the younger generation who would grasp the newer more advanced tech faster than me simply by virtue of having been around it longer.

    Somehow that seems to both not be the case and very much be the case. Mobile devices are the native device now, but it seems like being native to mobile does not translate backwards to knowing how to build a computer or what a file system is.

    My best bet is that it’s a matter of UX and accessibility. You don’t learn how to troubleshoot installer errors when everything runs through an app store, the same way I didn’t learn how to fix a car like my dad did. I didn’t need to.

  • My family and I took the train from Copenhagen, Denmark to Bologna, Italy and back again this summer.

    By and large it was a good experience. Taking the train through the alps is something I’ll never forget.

    To my great amazement, the trains in Italy ran smoother than the trains in Germany.

    On our return trip, we zipped from Bologna to Milano and from there to Frankfurt in just under nine hours. Smooth sailing. The Frecciarossa was by far the nicest train I’ve ever been on.

    Frankfurt to Copenhagen, a noticeably shorter distance, ended up taking fifteen hours. Our 7:14 train out of Frankfurt Central got moved to another station a mere fifteen minutes prior to departure. From there, everything devolved into a mess of missed trains and lack of communication. I think we ended up switching trains five or six times.

    Deutsche Bahn is a shadow of its former self, and it makes me profoundly sad that a nation globally known for precision and efficiency has such terrible train service.