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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Dissappear? No, of course not

    Fall out of repair, and be unable to be repaired effectively without tools, resources, or knowledge that are no longer accessible?


    Take a deep sea oil rig. How long do you think it’ll be operational without maintenance with all that sea water? After not too long you won’t be able to repair the damage without serious industrial capabilities, and that’s assuming you even know how to fix it.

    Really even as relatively little as a few decades of total chaos and disorganization would be enough to make crawling back really hard. A century and more and it really could be impossible, or at least improbable - especially given that the humanity that comes out of the other end of the crisis is the same one that got us into it. So the remaining pieces of major valuable infrastructure left will probably get wrecked as the survivors fight over them

  • True, but Its 100% possible for us to get knocked back into the iron age, and if that happens, there’s a very real chance we won’t be able to climb up again.

    Easy to access sources of a lot of the resources needed to rebuild a modern civilization are gone, the only reason we can get to the remaining deposits is because we already have the advanced equipment to extract it. It’s entirely possible that if we get knocked back down the tech ladder, we may never climb back up again

  • Maybe you ought to humble yourself, given that you’re the one stating that you know with absolute certainty how another individual that you know nothing about would or wouldn’t act.

    I never said I was immune to propoganda, lies, or manipulation - there are just simply no lies, manipulations, or propoganda that could make me abandon my morals to the extent of literal genocide. You could probably get me to hate a group you wanted me to hate, but I wouldn’t murder my own worst enemy - so that’s not going to get you anywhere.

  • what if you lack the fragments needed to reverse engineer/reconstruct a means to access the information?

    Well that’s a different question, because now it sounds like you’re assuming that significant data loss will occur before it’s read. If the storage unit itself is damaged in the meantime to where it’s data is corrupted beyond recovery, then yes - that’s a potential total loss scenario. Assuming however that the storage unit remains intact, I don’t see how a dedicated team of smart individuals couldn’t handle it, unless their technology is somehow inferior to ours.

    It’s also worth considering that this storage unit probably won’t be their very first interactions with modern data storage systems. This may or may not be their first interaction with a data storage system that was actually written from modern times, but unless we have a total technological collapse in the intervening 10,000 years, chances are they’ll have records from our time that have been copied over however many thousands of times to make it there. Afterall, to use a much less extreme example, I don’t need to get my hands on a CD-Rom or Floppy Disk burned in 1991 to get a copy of Linux 0.01, it’s been copied over and over through the years and is now available for download online. Data will surely degrade over time, and large chunks will get lost as people stop copying things they think are no longer important, but I feel pretty confident in the idea that enough pieces will make it that far that these scientists (techno-archeologists?) won’t be starting from scratch

  • “What if the future computer systems simply aren’t compatible with the old filesystems, thus indicating nothing as being present on the storage media (if it’s even recognized as storage media to test)?”

    We’ve reconstructed archaic languages that no living person speaks from fragments of written records, I find it unlikely that we’ll be completely unable to reverse engineer an ancient file system architecture - especially since the most likely course for someone actually reading one of these 1000’s of years in the future is for the reader to be from a more technologically advanced civilization.

    Think of what modern archeologists would give to have the equivalent of a wikipedia archive from 10,000 years ago - imagine the colossal amounts of grant funding that would be thrown at the problem if we even suspected such a thing was within reach.

    Of course all the other issues about keeping the actual system safe for 10k years are totally valid, but you have to start somewhere, and getting a data storage system that can last that long even in perfect conditions is the necessary first step.

  • Generally speaking - there aren’t many areas where the finished product using 3d printing is better than more traditional methods. The main advantage of 3d printing is the flexibility. Injection molding will pretty much always give you a better result, but you’ll be able to go from idea to physical prototype much more quickly with 3d printing - not to mention that your average person isn’t going to be able/willing to set up an injection mold in their homes.

    In industrial use (so not consumers) the main use for 3d printing is indeed rapid prototyping, 3d printing doesn’t really scale all that well to mass production, but if you’re going to be iterating on a design several times before getting something you’re comfortable with, then it’s a great choice

  • Frankly, who the fuck knows lol

    If you can’t stand bugs, id just hold off entirely until Beta at least. Frankly they’ve still got a ways to go to just get the basic content in the game, several core gameplay loops like exploration are still missing, and some core pieces of tech like server meshing are still MIA as well.

    Could be a year or two, could be another decade, could be never.

    My advice for SC is as follows - if the game in it’s current state (check it out during a free fly event - which is probably coming up soon) is something you enjoy playing, then grab a starter ship and enjoy, but if you just want to play the “finished” game, then wait. And under no circumstances drop hundreds of dollars on internet spaceships lol - it’s really not that hard to grind your way in-game to good ships, and frankly you’ll have more fun that way, because there’s nothing to do with the most expensive ships right now anyways.

  • OK, take a delivery mission from the crowded space station you’re currently on, load a rover onto your ship (by which I mean actually load a rover onto your ship, not just press “equip rover” in a menu) . Walk onto your ship (again, meaning actually walk onto your ship, not just load straight into the cockpit), travel to your fly down onto the planets surface without a single loading screen, head down to your rover bay, get in and drive over to the delivery location to deliver the package. All without one single loading screen at any point in the process.

    The closest I can think of to that is space engineers, except space engineers doesn’t really have “missions” in the same way SC does and the station would be a ghost town, and all the ships/rovers would look like LEGOs lol

    Don’t get me wrong, the game is very unfinished and even by alpha standards it isn’t at all perfect and there’s a 50/50 chance that at some point in the process above you’ll get a 30k or some other game breaking bug, but I don’t see how you can have played the game like you say and not think that it’s doing things other games aren’t. There’s no other game that I’m currently aware of that actually provides the same immersive experience (when it works) as SC.

    Whether or not those extra bits of immersion actually matter to you is an entirely separate question, but they are present and a good measure further than any other scifi game I’m aware of. If I’m wrong pleasepleaseplease fill me in, because I fucking love that shit in SC but can’t deal with the bugginess for more than short intervals lol

  • Yeah I think it’s less that people are setting unrealistic expectations for a Bethesda game, and more that people are getting fed up with being told they should be happy with all the faults “because it’s Bethesda”.

    Bethesda gets a really weird pass in the gaming industry and when it comes to shallow content and bugs. I think a lot of that comes from the modability of their games, so that with mods and a few years of patches, the games often end up being a lot of fun - but the fact is that the games themselves, as released by Bethesda are usually hollow shells by comparison.

    For instance it always irks me when people say Skyrim VR is the best VR game - you literally need a couple dozen mods just to make it function as an actual VR game (lack of 3d audio in a VR game is just unforgivable imo, let alone any actual physics interactions).

    I think people are just starting to get fed up with Bethesda’s business model of building barebones games and counting on modders to make it fun. And then people get further fed up when they say so online and get told things like “but yeah it’s Bethesda, what did you expect?”