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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • You’re incorect: what’s stupider is continually pouring your support into “the lesser of two evils,” and thinking that you’re doing anything other than showing them that it’s perfectly OK for them to be evil, since useful idiots like your good self will continue to spout this sort of party rhetoric without stopping to think for two seconds that they are in fact the problem. The reason other parties won’t succeed is because of people like you who refuse to even consider anything outside the status quo and will just blindly check the “D” column no matter how many drone strikes they launch or hospital bombers they sell the missiles to. So while some of us are trying to stop the mindless murder of innocents overseas by whatever tools we may have at hand, you sit there comfortably and tell yourself that you’re the real hero here by throwing your unwavering support behind the “lesser evil.” The parties will definitely change as long as we keep blindly supporting them no matter what their actions, who cares if thousands are being killed in Palestine. As long as no one tries to make any points about the direction our society is headed, it’s all worth it, right?

  • Let me paint you a picture:

    I have one apple. I can give it to Joe, to Dobald, or to Claudia. I choose to give it to Claudia. So now our count is Joe +0, Donald +0, Claudia +1. You see how Donald’s number didn’t go up, despite not giving the apple to Joe? That’s how it works.

    Now I know what you’re going to say: that since I’m not giving the apple to Joe, that really puts him at -1 apple, but the same could be said about Donald, that I’m not giving him the apple either so he would also be at -1. If you argue that not giving the apple to Joe is the same as giving it to Donald, surely that means the opposite is true as well, that not giving the apple to Donald is the same as giving it to Joe.

    So maybe instead of blaming everyone but the Democrats for putting forward a candidate who is openly supporting and facilitating an active genocide if Joe loses next year, you start asking why they deserve your apple at all.