• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • oh the poor poor “palestinians” who are “denied food and water and medical attention” each and every fucking time Hamas and PIJ have attacked Israel, and Israel has responded, for the last 18 years, and done absolute jack fucking shit to change their own governance in Gaza, because they support the terrorists. 2 weeks after thousands of “palestianians” stormed Israel, raped, then slaughtered then burnt nearly 2 thousand Israeli men, women, and children, they’ve got morons like this saying “but but food, water and hospitals” fuck em.

    i voted for obama a number of times, fuck his terrorist excusing, “palestianian” apologizing ass too

    israel is going into Gaza and going to annihilate Hamas, PIJ, anyone else standing in their way, increase the buffer zone between the Arabs and their borders, and not stop before it’s accomplished come what may.

    “palestinians” were given gaza to do with what they liked, they made it a terrorist disneyland with which to attack, terrorize and kill jews.

    it will now be remade.

    we got the us strike force in the eastern med and ready to take on all fucking comers.