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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Both Come and Pepsi doubled - tripled their prices in the time between 2020 and 2023.

    In 2019 (in my area) you could get a 2 liter of soda for $0.79-$1.00. Non-sale price was $1.49. A 12 pack of cans was $2-$2.50 on sale with a none-sale price of $4.

    2 liters now are “on sale” for $2-$3 each and non-sale price is $3-$3.50.

    Cans sale price is $4 at minimum and non-sale price is $7.99–8.99 depending on the store.

    I have significantly cut back on my diet soda intake as a result, so i guess there is that?

    To put another way, in the best of times in 2019 I could buy a 5x12 pack of cans for $10. Today I would have to pay $20-$45 for the exact same product depending on if it was on sale or not.

    When our economy finally falters, these companies will be the first to scream for bailouts and other nonsense.

    Like dude, just go back to pre-pandemic pricing.

  • I think the issue is that some of us know this, but most are getting blasted by the media non-stop, and some of the messaging is even outright denying climate change exists. After a while people get tired of hearing about it.

    I don’t have an answer for how to solve that one except to say that regardless of who is saying what or how loud, governments around the world aren’t doing enough. It is amazing to me because at the end of the day, money can slow and eventually stop/reverse climate change. We have the technology, we just need to invest in the required infrastructure and technology to make it happen.

    Climate change isn’t political. It will kill all of us if left unchecked.

  • I think I do. So much in terms of doom and gloom is being shouted in terms of climate change that many are becoming numb to it, which is dangerous.

    He is wrong about 1.5C not being an issue, however. 1.5C != “every place will raise only by 1.5C”. It means localized temperatures in many areas will be much, MUCH higher, as parts of the US are beginning to find out.

    Responsible messaging is important, but the looming catastrophe cannot be understated. You or someone you know will likely die from global warming, if it hasn’t happened already.