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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Machine learning and compression have always been closely tied together. It’s trying to learn the “rules” that describe the data rather than memorizing all the data.

    I remember implementing a paper older than me in our “Information Theory” course at university that treated the creation of a decision tree as compression. Their algorithm considered sending the decisions tree and all the exceptions to the decision tree and the tree itself. If a node in the tree increased the overall message size, it would simply be pruned. This way they ensured that you wouldn’t make conclusions while having very little data and would only add the big patterns in the data.

    Fundamentally it is just compression, it’s just a way better method of compression than all the models that we had before.

    EDIT: The paper I’m talking about is “Inferring decision trees using the minimum description length principle” - L. Ross Quinlan & Ronald L. Rivest

  • My first experience with the Sims was jumping behind a random computer at some kind of event that was running the Sims 1. Most of the family had just died because the previous person behind the PC had let the house burn down. Needless to say, I was a bit confused. I’ve played the Sims quite a bit after that, and I honestly like messing around with it.

    I don’t think I’ve ever played a game without cheating a lot of money. I don’t like that the Sims that I made have to go off to work or school, so usually I just build a big fence around the property to keep them all there. From there on it used to devolve into chaos when I was younger. Building huge mazes to access basic necessities, launching fireworks indoors, etc. Nowadays im a bit more behaved though.

    Imo the Sims 4 is the best nowadays. The older ones are showing their age. That being said, the Sims 4 is definitely in need of some competition. It’s inexcusably buggy sometimes, and I personally think there’s a lot more that can be done with a game like this. Hopefully the upcoming competitors can spark some fire into this genre.

  • I’m not a hundred percent sure, but afaik it has to do with how random the output of the GPT model will be. At 0 it will always pick the most probable next continuation of a piece of text according to its own prediction. The higher the temperature, the more chance there is for less probable outputs to get picked. So it’s most likely to pick 42, but as the temperature increases you see the chance of (according to the model) less likely numbers increase.

    This is how temperature works in the softmax function, which is often used in deep learning.

  • I kinda suck at Tetris. We had a “LAN” last year where we played some battle royale Tetris game, and there was one girl who absolutely demolished everyone. After that I feel like a kid playing (and failing) with one of those block shape matching toys whenever I play Tetris. It’s a cool game though. Nice simple gameplay, but high skill ceiling. I respect people who absolutely destroy me at a game due to pure skill

  • Personally I still use Windows for gaming and some other programs that work better under Windows. I’ve tried to switch, but it was just a bit too unstable to depend on for me. For me none of this shit has happened tho. No forced Cortana, no sudden Candy Crush install, no Edge fucking with my browsing. I’d rather switch to Linux full time instead of dual booting, because M$ is still pulling all these moves on others, but sometimes convenience does win.

  • Oh I’m sure there are. I see more and more idiots with big American trucks here in the Netherlands. They completely don’t fit in our cities designed for normal sized cars. I also don’t see how they’re considered safe. The top of their hood is so high that you’ll mostly get hit by the grill on the front upon impact.

    I also doubt most of those people really need one, they seem more like the type of people that compensate away their insecurities by having a big truck. I can sort of see a farmer or something using one, but in a city I don’t understand it. I guess they’re not banned because that’d upset the US or something.

  • I’m not sure if the writer of this article is familiar with Dutch politics, but nothing unusual is happening. Unlike in the US, where one party wins am absolute majority, we have a system where you need to form a coalition. And this is obviously a whole political game, with parties kinda pretending they don’t want it just to have a better bargaining position. This formation process has taken months for as long as I can remember, and personally I don’t feel like it’s going particularly badly for them.

    I still think the coalition of PVV, NSC, VVD, BBB will happen in some way or another. But the other parties do want the PVV to make clear that some of it’s plans are just not going to happen. Wilders is aware of this, and suddenly seems a lot more reasonable than I’m used to (though obviously still far-right). Ideas like a Nexit or a full immigration stop are just not executable, so they’ll have to be toned down.

  • Baudet is definitely on the edge yeah. Obviously there somes a moment where you shouldn’t tolerate the intolerant and a democratic society shouldn’t protect the undemocratic in the name of democracy. Up until now I don’t think either of them has done enough to deserve that tho. Randomly calling for a politician to be killed, even as a joke, is in my opinion still bad taste. It’s not the way I’d want Dutch politics to go, even for those who I disagree with. Violence and hate only creates more violence and hate

  • This is not a joke that is very appropriate though. In the early 2000s a politician similar to Wilders was killed for his opinions. Another (even further) right-wing politician was assaulted twice in the past few months, and Wilders himself hasn’t been able to go anywhere without bodyguards in the past few years. We’re still a democracy, Wilders should be able to say things without getting constant death threats. Unlike the US, things are not yet as polarized here. To me it feels like the comedian made a very inappropriate “joke”, even if I also absolutely despise Wilders