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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Those speeds would be under ideal conditions, like sitting on land on a clear day with no weather.

    It’s not about the raw speed honestly, but the machine latency and stability of the signal. Traditional GEO satellites need a pretty steady platform to maintain connection. The mobile capable dishes are usually less capable than fixed position ones because they need to be less directional to maintain a signal while moving. But in say rougher seas, the movement will be vastly different than a boat just sitting on a lake.

    Starlink can compensate for this better because it’s designed to utilize multiple lower satellites simultaneously in view and a more omni-directional dish, alongside a signal that only needs to go to LEO. The difference between LEO and GEO or its is absolutely massive. The Starlink satellite constellation operates between 1/30 and 1/105 the distance of traditional GEO satellites. This means a latency of 25-35ms since they are so much lower. Lower latency will mean lower packet loss from instability which means higher throughout.

    For a real world use case, look at the SpaceX landing ships. They originally used traditional GEO satellites for those video streams, and the motion and vibration from the rocket getting near caused total signal loss. Often signal loss for a white a while after the lending was over because the ship was still moving too much. After they switched to Starlink, I think I can remember maybe twice at the beginning where the signal cut for a second or so, and once they had a few launches to provide more consistent coverage and satellite redundancy, I can’t even remember the last time we lost a signal during a landing.

    Real time video streams are essentially the worst use case for traditional satellite communication, and the differences between the network types of night and day.

  • And ocean communication.

    It’s amazingly clear none of these people have ever tried to use any of the existing Geostationary satellite data networks.

    They are slow as shit. Not just by modern standards, by any standards. HughesNet is one of the remaining satellite Internet providers.

    $50/mo gives you 50Mbps speeds, 100GB of “Priority Data”, whatever the fuck that is (probably your 50Mbps data, then it slows). And that price is only for a year, then it is $75/mo. They also love to tout a 30ms latency somehow, but that’s just a damned lie. Latency for a Geostationary satellite is around 500ms, or roughly the speed of light because that’s physics. So I have no idea where they think they’re getting 30ms, unless that’s only the additional latency they’re claiming AFTER it bounces off the satellite and reaches the ground to be routed to the internet on their end.

  • Not double jeopardy because they’re different charges, technically. He wasn’t tried for murder twice.

    The real question I have is if he was exonerated from the first murder conviction, how did they manage to convince a jury a second time with that information. The only way I can imagine is somehow preventing the evidence that exonerated him the first time, and the fact he was exonerated, from being used in court. Which to be honest sounds like something the Texas kangaroo courts would do. Texas does lead the way with wrongful convictions, there has to be a reason.

  • This is what I did after running consumer Linksys and ASUS routers, including with OpenWRT.

    I moved to a Unifi setup and haven’t had any issues. I can manage it remotely if I need to, like another household member needs something changed or fixed. I’ve never had to restart it to fix an issue, it just works.

    Easy upgrades without having to replace the entire setup and move settings over manually. Especially easy wireless upgrades, almost just plug and play replacing the old access point antenna.

    And if you need just a small setup and you run a home server you can run the management software on there instead of something like their dedicated Cloud Key device.

  • Exactly, what are they going to do that’s new? Take more territory? They would have already if they could. Target civilians? They’re already doing that. Use banned weapons? They’re already using various chemical agents and white phosphorous, so nothing new there.

    The only real escalation they have left is nuclear, and that would 100% result in countries retaliating with their own, ending us all. Besides, then they’re still just left with more irradiated land than they already have, there’s no benefit.

    Are they trying to claim they’d be capable of maintaining a war with multiple fronts if other countries openly join in retaliation? Because if they had more military in reserve, they’d surely be sending it to Ukraine to end this “2 week conflict” as quickly as possible.

  • To be fair, the US President doesn’t have nearly as much power to actually accomplish things like many people think, at least domestically. Congress has the actual power, whether they utilize it well or not. The President has to work with Congress to actually get things accomplished, and Congress controls the money.

    International relations and war, those are things the President more directly controls, and even then Congress has some control of things like approving weapons sales (again, the money).

    The Legislative Branch makes the laws, the Executive branch implements them (and the modern Judicial decides based on their personal beliefs whether they’ll let it happen, or find some flimsy justification to prevent it).

  • Putin clearly started to believe his own country’s internal propaganda. Despite being inside the Soviet Union, and actually being part of the systemic lies to project false power, he started to believe what he was being told. As if the systems built on had fundamentally changed after the fall ad his rise to power.

    There were a lot of delays getting international supplies to Ukraine at the beginning of the conflict, yet Russia still couldn’t get close to their goal even with an extended timeframe. Once those supplies began to arrive, Russia was never going to be able to achieve their goal like they thought, but Putin’s ego won’t let him admit he was fooled by his own bullshit propaganda machine.

  • From my understanding as a general citizen, who owns several firearms but purchased them all from stores, and has done some research but not a lot…

    A license is not required for most firearms and many/most states don’t require registering firearms at all. Unless you’re getting into things that require special federal licenses.

    Gun shows are a massive loophole in existing background check requirements for purchasing from stores, because sales there are instead classified as private sales. Even if you’re purchasing from a business at the show. And private sales aren’t required to run background checks. No expectation for an individual selling a firearm to have to pay to run a check on who they are selling to, so no requirement for private sales.