Programmer in NYC

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2023


  • I’m finding this mess interesting: the MAGAs vote and debate like a third party, which kinda gives us a House with no majority party which is something we usually don’t get to see in America. And we’re getting the deadlocks that come from a chamber that isn’t willing to form a coalition - or at least not a reliable one.

    I just hope the next speaker candidate doesn’t try for the same Republican-MAGA coalition. Although I’m prepared to be disappointed. Do you think there’s any chance a Republican would offer to sideline the MAGAs to get support from Democrats?

    Under this analysis the Democrats have a plurality. How does that tend to work out in governments with more than two parties?

  • Well I might be hooked. It didn’t take me long to reproduce the niceties in Nushell I’m used to from my zsh config. Some of the important parts were setting up zoxide with a key binding for interactive mode, switching on vi key bindings, setting up my starship prompt.

    Home Manager is preconfigured for the above integrations which made things easier.

    One feature that is missing that I like to use is curly brace expansion to produce multiple arguments. For example,

    $ mv *.{jpg,jpeg}

    Unless there is a way to do something like this in Nushell that I haven’t seen yet?

    Something I enjoyed was automating a sequence of steps I’ve been running a lot lately due to a program that often partially crashes,

    def nkill [name_substring] {
      ps | where name =~ $name_substring | each { |p| kill $; $p }

    I realized after writing this that I basically recreated killall -r. But it’s nice that it was so easy to make a custom command to do a very specific thing. And my version gives me a nice report of exactly what was killed.

    Thanks for making this post OP! When I’ve heard mentions of Nushell I’m the past I think I conflated it with Powershell, and wrote it off as a Windows thing. (Maybe because it’s introduced as being “like Powershell”.) But now that I see that it’s cross-platform I’m enjoying digging into it!