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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2024


  • It’s hard not to get into the weeds of this because of how complex these contracts get.

    Typically, a country asks the US for help with something like developing their agriculture sector, or e-governance, or dealing with a famine. USAID doesn’t do the work itself to limit government liability. So they put up a notice that says “we want proposals to do this job, in this place, and get these results. Don’t go over $XX”

    Bids come in, and because these are programs in developing countries, it’s rare that the country had any organization capable of reliably taking on a $5 million contract with tons of legal and compliance obligations. So a lot of times US-based companies that specialize in this kind of work, staffed by people who don’t mind moving their family to Malawi or wherever of necessary. Many people, both contractors and USAID staff are killed, sometimes abducted and tortured, in the course of trying to deal with humanitarian crises in dangerous places.

    Because local tallent IS a cruicial part of the way these programs work, the main contracter will hire local staff, and then because no one company can do everything, they also hire small local contractors to do singular tasks, like JUST community engagement about financial planning. So unless it’s a war zone (often even then), dozens, mayne even hundreds, of local jobs might come from one contract. This is a VERY reductive version of the process in general terms.

    Meaning that during this aid “review” and dismantling, it’s likely that 100,000 people or more, mostly in poor counties, are suddenly out of work. It’s unlikely that Rubio will reinstate programs without a GOP Congressperson asking, or obvious “lives will be lost” support ends.

  • Hardly. It even had a unanimous supreme court decision to uphold the ban. The ban had bipartisan support up until what’s his name started jerking everyone around.

    Legally, this is all well-covered ground with the Grindr divest or ban law that was wrapped up the week before COVID lockdowns started. So most people forgot about it.

    Because there’s money involved, 47 wants to spin everyone around in hopes of ByteDance changing their mind and selling to one of his tech bro campaign funders so that big financial benefits from knowing the president can stay in day 1.