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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • So they support widespread access to free birth control and contraception resources, especially to disadvantaged women everywhere, right? Because if your problem is the abortion itself wouldn’t you want to do everything in your power to prevent it, including preventing pregnancy in the first place as an alternative to what you perceive as murder? Why wouldn’t you fight the same battle through compassion instead of oppression?

    Are you telling me that you’re all in for extensive social programs to support single mothers and provide a strong viable alternative in situations where the mother feels financially incapable of supporting her child? Free childcare perhaps? Reducing the cost of childbearing? There are many peaceful options that are quite thoroughly documented to reduce the number of abortions that could be deployed immediately at a reasonable cost. Yet, you’re not interested in using any of these.

    Alas, these same organizations also seem to be against contraception, childcare, or generally anything that supports the health of the mother and child. This is where you can see their true colors; they don’t want to prevent abortions. That’s a lie, else they would’ve taken many alternative actions that can achieve the same goal. Instead, they choose the course that oppresses women.

    This is the epitome of a bad faith argument. Those who would tell you that abortion is genocide do not believe in their own claim.

  • Meant, in this context, refers to the conditions that humans have faced over a long period of time and may be more suited to coping with from a survival point of view. I’m an atheist, so I find it strange that you chose to read my comment as highlighting intentional design. Certainly, AI has existed for a much shorter time than the phenomenon on a human encountering the death of a loved one. Indeed, death has been quite a common theme throughout history, and the tools and support available to cope with it and relate to other human experiences far exceed those for coping with the potential issues that come with AI.

    I think one can absolutely speak of needs and adaptation for something as common a human experience as death. If you find something belittling about that opinion, I’m not sure how to address you further. I may simply have to be wrong.