• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Yeah it’s the same here, they and the younger gens have apparently gotten very polarized; the ones who are “good eggs” are really decent folks, and the shitty ones are really shitty.

    So while the extremist reich wing party PS (Perussuomalaiset or “Finns Party”, because naturally only a nationalist wank is a real Finn) was their most popular party, as a proportion of their cohorts more young people voted for the Left Alliance than older ones did. Here’s a handy table from our 2023 parliamentary elections (source):

    • KOK: National Coalition Party, fiscally conservative
    • PS: Finns Party, extremist right wing
    • SDP: Social Democrat, liberal / marginally left
    • KESK: Centre Party, what it says on the tin
    • VAS: Left Alliance, democratic socialists
    • VIHR: Green League, liberal & green
    • SFP: Swedish People’s Party, right wing
    • KD: Christian Democrats, nearly as bad as PS
    • LIIK: Movement Now, nominally center right but about as right wing as KOK

    Actually based on that study the claim that gen Z is more conservative than older gens doesn’t seem to hold up. Seems like they’re about as conservative, but also more likely to vote Left

  • Hmm, I wonder if Gen Z’s politics are different over there compared to here, because at least in Finland the 2. most popular parties they voted for were a right wing extremist party and a “fiscally conservative” party that is essentially indistinguishable from the extremist one (the joke is that the way to tell them apart is that the “fiscal conservatives” wear more expensive suits.) Sure, many do also vote for eg. the Left Alliance who are democratic socialists, but on the whole the generation is more conservative than the older ones

  • Honestly, just properly funding anything that is designed to do benevolent things for the community as a whole is a tough sell with way too many US community politicians

    This seems to be a problem with at least conservative politicians everywhere. In Finland where I live we do still have the vestiges of a welfare state (and it really is vestigial at this point), but right wing politicians keep dismantling it and cutting taxes on the rich, and later on leftist politicians find it impossible to roll back any changes due to resistance from the right.

  • The way I’ve understood the “defund the police” movement’s point is that they’re saying police funding is excessive because a lot of the things cops do should be handled before the cops have to get involved, eg. with higher funding for mental health and social services, housing for homeless people etc. So the point is that you wouldn’t need as many cops in the first place if things were handled more humanely “downstream” so to speak, instead of just letting problems fester until things go sideways

  • I’m from an Eastern European country that was USSR aligned and part of the Warsaw Pact.

    Then you really haven’t been paying attention if you think the modern Russia isn’t up to essentially the same bullshit that they were during USSR times, just packaged up in different rhetoric.

    The reason why people even brought up USSR is because, newsflash, the dude’s nickname is USSRboy. Can you deduce why somebody would sarcastically say that they got what they bargained for when they got arrested? I’ll give you 3 guesses.