My thinking was in the lines why they are doing in Germany too. They say look what the fashists did, never again! Same message would make sense in today’s Israel too.
My thinking was in the lines why they are doing in Germany too. They say look what the fashists did, never again! Same message would make sense in today’s Israel too.
I remember the IDF didn’t let me in to the Muslim part of the old city, even though I’m an atheist, grown up as catholic.
Are you saying German holocaust survivers should only protest German fashists and not Israeli fashists because if they do then they associate the Holocaust with Israel and thus help Netanjahu with it?
I have a hard time understanding your position.
That’s good, I’m just hoping they could go together with the holocaust survivers who live in Israel and be role models there too, god knows we need them there too.
The persons great grandfather died in Auschwitz because he was fighting for a independent Silesia.
But yeah, …
This is how it looks like to be in the wrong side of history.
If Israel goes out of Gaza the whole war was meaningless for them, similar to Ukraine’s demands for Russia to give back everything. I don’t think they can do that, that would be political suicide at home for them.
I hope they will be able to do the same for the Israeli youth, because there the theocratic fashists are in power right now already.
I mean if Hamas orders a ice-latte you need to deliver, they were so nice starting the war for you so you could do your genocide, so that is the least you can do for them. /s
That would be a really cool addition to immich
I’d like to replace GitHub with something self hosted but I’d still like other people to be able to fork and especially do pull requests. Because everyone already has a GitHub account it’s easy for them to do that. I wish there was some small software which would be easy to install and update and it would be connected to for example ActivityPub to be able to do pull requests. I’m not so keen on making everyone who wants to create a Issue or a Pull Request to make a seperate account on my own website, nobody will do that.
I never watch the same movie/TV show more than once, so I don’t see a point in hording this data. So for me the UX of streaming is most of the time preferrable than having a physical media which I need to carry to the new appartment every time I move.
This is different with music, where I listen to the same Albums hundrets of times. There I can deal with vinyl and many files on my computer.
But Netflix never let me buy a movie or TV show. They just sell me access to their library for a limited time.
I bought some music from Apple, DRM free and I downloaded it and have it on my own hard drive, and share it between all my devices.
Apple also sells you access to their library for a limited time like Netflix, but then you’re not buying the songs, you’re buying access to them for a limited time.
I’m just confused about why people are so mad about it. In other cases where you rent space to put physical things you own so you can still access them later this happens too. Let’s get into an example, and you guys tell me if I’m misunderstanding something:
If you have a car and have to change between summer and winter tires and you don’t have space at home to store the winter tires during the summer, you can go to a tire-hotel and they will 1. Sell you new tires, 2. switch your tires - a service you pay for - and 3. store the tires for you until next winter - a service you pay for too. Once the company goes out of business (or they focus on a different business) they tell you to get your tires or they will be discarded if you don’t. So you have to get them from them and you stop paying for the storage.
Isn’t it the same with the movies you buy and store at a place where you then rent storage to keep them there? As long as they allow you to download your purchases I see no difference. You can’t make someone else to keep working the same job until the heat death of the universe.
How come they can’t shoot it down before it arrives?
Haha, interesting, for me it was the exact opposite, I started with Baikal but it was too weird and I couldn’t get it up and running quickly enough and then I think I was not able to share my calendar with my partner or something, so I switched to Radicale.
“He is a witch!”