Woops. You are correct.
Woops. You are correct.
I did the math:
Butbutbut radios don’t have eyes watching neither? Lol
Thanks for detailed feedback! Same question as another comment below : how much ram u need? I am kinda constrained on that
(Well there is also yt-dl, but i find it less convenient)
How much minimum RAM requirements?
Sounds like a loophole that would be pretty easy to cover from YT? Why would they be so generous and not showing ads in playlists
Wierd lol
you mean clean up the ram usage? not db
Ok nice to hear that, will give it a shot
And everyone else should follow!
This is a feature, not a bug :)
good to know Earth resources are used in rational and sustainable manner.
I wonder what are «artillery systems», are hand-transportable mortars in that category?
Quick, increase interest rates! That will show them
The other good ones are regularly storming Белгород and killing frontier soldiers
Understatement of the year
We did it boys, cold is no more
So I am mildly hopeful the trip will be so long, at arrival Jong Un will eat Pootin alive. Go Kim Go!
Ok didn’t know that
Absolutely impressive stunt by Mossad. Incredible targeting