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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • ”… bypass the usual bureaucratic nonsense"

    Immigration laws? Quotas? Checking that they’re not importing the “criminals, drug traffickers, human traffickers and people from insane asylum from those shithole countries”?

    “like language tests”

    “Speak 'Merican!” “Why should I press 1 for English!?”

    “or history exams,”

    “They come over here and don’t even integrate to our culture, our laws and our history. They want to bring their own culture here and replace us”

    I know it never stops, but even still this level of hypocritical entitlement still amazes me. Either way, can’t wait for these Leopard Ate My Face posts.

  • I do not find it difficult to hold him responsible. He himself petitioned and won the contract from the Pentagon in order to provide satellite connectivity to the Ukraine. He then got cold feet about it and revoked this connectivity without communicating that to the Ukrainian military and intentionally flubbed a counter attack that would have (and, thus, didnt) prevented the missile launches that destroyed the lives and property of a ton of civilians. In his twisted sense of morality, he and Starlink would have been responsible for the acts of war of the Ukranian military, but by revoking their access to Starlink, preventing their actions, he’s somehow not responsible for the immediate consequences of their inability to act. The consequences being the deaths of non-combatant civilians under attack from a foreign invader on sovereign lands. He is wrong. He is still responsible.

    Imagine Smith and Wesson sold you an AI smart gun with aim assist on the notion that it could be used in defense of self and home. Later they decided that they didn’t want to be complicit in your decision to fire it at a person, and so they secretly sent out an update that made it so that you COULDN’T fire the gun at a person. Someone breaks into your home and attacks you, and you pull out your gun to defend yourself. Then it will not fire. It refuses to let you make the choice to defend yourself, so you are maimed or killed by your assailant. Please explain to me how Smith and Wesson wouldn’t be in any way responsible for your death.

    It’s even worse than that in Elon’s case. He knows that Ukraine is under attack. He knows that Russia is invading and killing civilians. He knows that he is being paid specifically to provide connectivity to them in order to facilitate communications and military actions in Ukraine, and not only agreed to that but specifically sought out the contract to do so. And he knows that the inaction of the Ukrainian military will result in more deaths. Yet he chose to secretly remove their ability to make such actions after he made them reliant on him. He is responsible. “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” Not just catchy lyrics, but truth.

  • Elon Musk says he refused to give Kyiv access to his Starlink communications network over Crimea to avoid complicity in a “major act of war”.

    So, in the classic trolley problem, Elon’s choice is to remove the track switch that his company produced so that no one else could use it to make a choice.

    “Sorry, guys. Looks like those innocent civilians tied to the tracks are going to have to die so that I am not tangentially and tenuously responsible for your choice to save them in exchange for the deaths of Russian soldiers attacking your sovereign lands and people (cough and lose money from the Kremlin as a result cough)”

    There’s no “right” answer to the trolley problem. But there are definitely wrong ones.