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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I have my country and my beliefs. And I don’t want to give up either my country or my beliefs. And I cannot betray either the first or the second. If your beliefs are worth something, you must be willing to stand up for them. And if necessary, make some sacrifices. And if you’re not ready, then you don’t have any convictions. It just seems to you that they are there. But these are not beliefs and principles, but thoughts in the head.

    And he talks about just a month ago how his sacrifice is sitting in solitary. He either underestimated how brazen Putin is, or thought it’d eventually be some kind of martyr? A real shame he’s gone regardless.

  • Maybe Palestinians could try living in Jordan? Oh, Black September and all that happened.

    Or maybe Lebanon would work? Oh, that’s how we got Hezbollah, who has basically taken over Lebanon.

    Maybe Egypt will open their doors to the Palestinians again? But then again, Rafah border crossing is almost always closed, because Egypt’s de facto relationship with the Palestinians could be described as “we like you, but mostly because we hate Israel more”.

    I sympathize enormously with every normal Palestinian, but Mandatory Palestine will never be a thing again. The so-called State of Israel will continue to exist. It has been too long, and the only humanitarian hope for everyone involved is for Hamas and all related groups to accept defeat. But I don’t see that happening, because the conflict isn’t just over historical lands and freedom, but to eradicate all Zionists.

  • There are many crawlers, and I’m confident at least a couple have tried to connect to your server (unless you have an IP firewall, or if you’ve changed Plex Media Sever’s default port, in which case significantly less likely).

    I assume it’s not really about them watching content, but to avoid them exploiting any possible PMS bugs.

  • it was the Modraterna, who I absolutley consider to be “lefties”

    Lefties, righties, what? Why do you only see directions instead of destinations?

    Moderaterna didn’t open the floodgates because they care about these people, but because their goal has always been to vaska välfärden. Even the current PM said it himself 30 years ago when he first got elected to Riksdagen, that his goal is to “bekämpa och avveckla välfärdsstaten”. Do you think any “lefty” would ever say something like that, or do you simply like to abuse the English language?

    If I buy sanctioned oil from Venezuela for really cheap and rebrand it for sale in the US, does it mean that I personally agree with any of Maduro’s politics? Answer is “I don’t know, I don’t care, I just wanna get rich”: the impact of my actions on anyone else is irrelevant to me. This has always been Moderaternas playbook, and the memory loss/lack of historical education saddens me.

    And people will still eat it up: hårdahandskar, throw more people into expensive prisons, make it harder to get a job (if Kriminalvården did their job, anyways), more surveillance, less freedoms. Because it’d simply be too hard to eliminate the gang’s main income source via selling some plants at Systembolaget.

  • This problem has been created by hyper-racist, hyper-femenist, virtue signaling lefties who honestly believed that importing half a million illiterate, ignorant, idiots. Without language or job training. Was a good idea

    TIL Fredrik “Öppna Era Hjärtan” Reinfeldt is a virtual signaling leftist?

    It’s the typical Moderaterna playbook: increase load on the public services, and do a lot more privatisering to make it more “effective” (and line their pockets), as well as wage dumping for those few who were able to work well. As stuff started to get worse, they lose mandate. But new mandate can’t clean up their problems very easily (and are too incompetent to do so), and so stuff keeps getting worse. People get tired, and they have awful memory, so they give power back to those who started the problem – and suddenly they’re interested in their “solutions” that lead to these problems in the first place and give up any freedoms left.

    But keep pretending S started the problem. Their only fault was being too incompetent to fix integration and such from day 1.