This was a weird ramble that didn’t actually address anything and just blurted out some numbers.
This was a weird ramble that didn’t actually address anything and just blurted out some numbers.
China is not going to shut down all businesses and economic trade because Western sanctions failed.
The rest of the world is not involved in your bickering.
I see you don’t follow any actual news sources, half the world is involving themselves.
No you don’t understand, America = bad. If someone is doing something wrong it must be Americas fault or I must find some way to shoehorn politics into every conversation.
Dumb people exist in all countries unfortunately.
I never said it wasn’t a genocide, read harder. I just said your original comment was shit, I still think it was.
Wow you sure showed me with your insightful commentary! Snark is definitely a substitute for a well-reasoned discussion!
A meaningless, empty statement.
What kind of asinine comment is this? What does it even mean? It just seems like a snarky thought-terminating cliché to avoid actually having to engage with difficult ideas. The dead don’t notice anything, they’re dead. Do you think the living notice they weren’t murdered?
Of course, do you think people just go on the internet and tell lies?
The U.S. is certainly resource-rich though, just lacks the political will/balls to take on corporations.
Cypherpunk is still an ideology though obviously it never kept pace with the explosion of internet access. It’s needed now more than ever.
The pretty one.
They clearly didn’t accidentally spill soup so I’m sure their guilt isn’t really in question.
Yeah the article is a bit strange. They call them environmental protesters but they seem to have been protesting food insecurity. Which I guess can be considered environmental but isn’t usually what I think of.
Seriously? Do you follow the news at all?
You have to space them out or post them to different (relevant) places or it just becomes spam at some point.
Wait until you learn about Bibi.
Your problem seems to be with Israel, not Jewish people. It’s an important distinction when the far right leadership in Israel has done everything in it’s power to convince the world that Judaism = Israel when that’s not true and Judaism isn’t a monolith.
Who is Why are they underwritten by a bunch of pharmaceutical companies? Why are the only two reasons listed essentially regulations?
You’ll have to forgive my skepticism but I’m not sure how impartial that site is or what interest they actually have in curing diabetes. IS big pharma.
I’ve shucked probably 100s of those WD essentials and they just had a little SATA -> USB adapter on it. It’s been a few years but it doesn’t seem like they’d make a whole new PCB just to include USB.