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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • but you think those same users will be totally interested in spending hours writing Perl or JSON configs and memorizing dozens of keyboard shortcuts for every function they used to use the mouse for??

    Of course not. This is the argument for a tiling desktop environment. The only reason people need to do all that ATM is because of the current tiling window managers. Not because tiling window management is inherently complex to understand. You can have a tiling window manager with a GUI configuration and that better supports the mouse while still supporting keyboard shortcuts. Then users can incrementally learn the shortcuts - like they do with floating window managers - to gain productivity in their day to day tasks.

    They might not be for everyone, but giving everyone the choice is also not a bad thing. Most people I have seen that try a tiling window manager do end up liking it and quite a few hate to go back to floating ones. But not all of them can be bothered with the amount you need to configure the current ones.

    So what is wrong with trying to make a easier to configure, use and generally a batteries included tiling desktop environment? This is essentially what it looks like Cosmic are doing - they support both floating and proper tiling without needing complex configuration or needing to learn loads of shortcuts.

  • IMO the tiling support in KDE and with gnome extensions does not look great. It cannot replace someones workflow that has been on a true tiling window manager. It is a benefit to those that have been using floating window managers for their whole life but I cannot now go back to them. Cosmic is the first desktop environment that looks like it has true tiling support (that can rival a tiling window manger) and not just drag a window to a side/area of the screen. Though I have yet to really try it out.

  • I disagree. What is wrong with a fully featured batteries included desktop environment that has proper tiling support (not just partital drag the window to the edge of the screen support). Lower the barrior to entry so that more people can make use of this powerful way of working. The main reason that tiling is considered hardcore is becuase it has mostly only been available on minimal configure them yourself window managers. But tiling does not have to be for the fully DIY only crowed.

    IMO the basic tiling support on gnome or KDE are not good enough. So I am forced to use something minimal but TBH I am sick of needing 100s of lines of config to get a basic environment setup. Cosmic seems like it will be a good answer to this post as its tiling support looks far more fully baked than other full desktop environments and hopefully we will see more people wanting to try out tiling once it reaches a more stable point.

  • Chinese manufacturers are quite flexible on pricing and quality - all the stuff is not the cheapest lowest quality stuff. One big problem they have though is that a lot of companies that farm out manufacturing to china do it to lower costs - and so opt for the cheapest things they can, then wonder why what they get back is a pile of crap and sell it on anyway.

    If you are willing to pay more then the quality can actually be very good. At lot of things things you think of as good quality are still made in china or at least parts of it are.

  • Cannot read the full article due to paywall… but what is up with that tagline:

    China is building (fission) nuclear reactors faster than any other country

    Can its scientists solve the fusion problem?

    What does the fusion problem have to do with fission reactors? They are completely opposite things and fission reactors cannot be converted to fusion ones nor any other way I can see helps with fusion at all… Like the tag line seems to be heavily implying. I don’t see how these two things are related, and I bet the article does not explain, does it?

  • Not surprising since car manufacturers lobbied to get them classed as light trucks to dodge the stricter emissions and safety regulations that apply to general cars. Then marketed the hell out of them as there is more profit to be made due to them not needing to comply with as many regulations. And now they are everywhere and are way worst than cars in almost every way.

    Funny how yet again the capitalist class chooses profits over any other metric leading to s shittier world overall. Almost like there is a pattern happening in every industry…