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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024

  • It’s pretty generic overall, but some parts of the worldbuilding are better than others. It fits together in fun ways, and the later stuff is better, but most of the early-game stuff is bland. Just FYI - I never beat it, but I played about 40 hours in 2015 and right now I’m about 10 hours into a replay.

    I don’t know if it’s just because of the time since I’ve last played, but Re-Reckoning has felt like a lot more of a chore to play than the original. I don’t remember absolutely loving the original, though; it was always pretty mid, I just thought it was charming.

  • You could try Logseq, it’s like Obsidian but open source. I use Obsidian for most notes and I also have a personal wiki built with Otterwiki.

    I use NGINX for my reverse proxy, you could check out NGINX Proxy Manager which uses Certbot to automate the SSL certificates.

    I’ve heard a lot of people also like Caddy and Traefik. Can’t remember which is easier to use, maybe Caddy.

  • I’m not suggesting that this is the sole reason, but have you considered the possibility that the US supports Israel in part because it is a white-majority nation of largely European ancestry among Arab states? Especially considering the circumstances that led to its creation. I am more and more convinced lately that this plays a part, though it may be small.

    However, what you mention is clearly happening too. It’s likely a variety of factors, but I would agree that money is a big motivator. AIPAC is certainly able to achieve a high level of autonomy, so that would point to it having tacit endorsement/approval from the US political establishment and that’s more than likely from legalized bribes.