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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Rem4 has the energy of a movie that was made because James Cameron walked into Capcom main offices, met with the presidents, stood in front of a whiteboard and wrote “Resident Evil$” making sure the s was notably a big red dollar sign $. Everyone applauded and then they made whatever the hell they wanted.

    and I love that about it.

    (Note: this is basically how we got the move Aliens 1986)

  • The weird thing about these remakes is that they keep cutting and remixing content from the originals with mixed results. Resident Evil 3 was a good example as it’s almost a whole new vision for the game (I do acknowledge this came with a lot of shortcomings).

    When I think about what Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth has done, I understand that it’s a sequel that turns the remake genre on its head. I think this is a more interesting way of approaching it.

    When people debate whether it’s good or bad is almost a moot point. If someone “remade” Devil May Cry and it was a top down turn based RPG like FF tactics, I wouldn’t care as long as it’s good. ( I didn’t hate D.M.C. and it’s weirdly 2000cool aesthetics)

    I may or may not buy the new one, I just want the option to buy the old one too.

  • I agree. A digital file is written to disk yet has no second hand value because of the nature of replication. Your books have value after you’ve read them because it’s not easily replicated and has more value beyond its basic consumption. It can be collected, displayed, traded, burned… It has all sorts of intrinsic value beyond the words on the page.

    It’s as if the printing of the media to a physical device in the end provides you a solid copy but not the rights to the work contained inside of it. You’re not allowed to modify and distribute those works as that violates copyright.

    I feel like the individual ownership of physical media actually protected copyright and now in the digital era, the lack of ownership is subverting its own purpose. We as a people never understood or acknowledged the implicit agreement that came with the acquisition of our books and DVDs. We ignore all the legal messaging and even made fun of it. We laughed when we realized “How could they ever enforce this?!” And so we didn’t care.

    Now here we are, learning in real time how it will be enforced.

  • It does and it doesn’t. The problem I’ve seen with all these new transportation products is the goal to create a “new industry” with it so that the tech can be sold elsewhere in a competitive market.

    The problem is that elsewhere is often the USA … and the US doesn’t buy public transportation tech from foreign entities.

    Quebec buys their trains from France, many nations but their highspeed trail from Japan and China. (I think a few places actually bought a monorail from Disney). It’s a high cost to get into an industry like public transportation at this stage of the game unless you bring something new to the table.

    It does because it’s a national jobs program and offers a boost to the local economy, it doesn’t because in the end it is wasteful, impractical, and eventually too expensive for the taxpayer to maintain.

  • Hi!I see a lot of great suggestions here but I was just looking at your chart and I think just one fundamental change would benefit you.

    Think of your switch as the “core” of your network. Everything should connect to that switch (computers, access points, firewall) for your best experience/performance.

    If you go with unifi, you should know that their switches are managed but if you intend to self host anything, you’re actually going to want the managed features!

    Thanks and goodluck!