Your average Reddit escapee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • What Hamas did requires a response from Israel, and no amount of “truce now, k?” will be work. It’s sad, but the only course for Israel is to hit back, and hard. Anything less would be bending over and showing Hamas can do this again.

    In other words, you can’t stab a person, and then go “whoa stahp” when the bleeding guy pulls a bigger gun on you.

    Bystanderd will be hurt, but I hope it will be over quick and afterwards there can be a path towards something better.

    Before you engage with what I said, be sure to read up on

    I wish Hamas could be eradicated, it would be the single best step for Palestine, and not far behind, Israel and the rest of the world.

  • Since Microsoft’s parity issues, I decided to buy Divinity Original Sin 2 to support Larian. I like the stand they made (as opposed to how CDPR did with Cyberpunk), and figured they deserve the cash.

    While the graphics could be better, and that it’s at times difficult to focus on such a dialogue heavy game, I noticed that I’ve already spent 20 hours with it and have barely escaped what could be called the tutorial area (fort joy).

    I love it. I’m playing 4 custom characters, all necromancers, two melee oriented, two ranged, and it’s a total crap fest of a party, but I’m making it work real well.

  • Are you really not comprehending what I said? To re-iterate: the cost-to-returns ratio to spend man hours for certain features is not feasible because of how much time would need to be spent. This, at worst means some titles will simply not have feature X, and at average means the “worst first” development method means some games will just be worse, than they could have been, if it were merely X, PS5 and PC to consider.

    I think we agree that MS bungled their approach and overestimated that cloud powered gaming would take off. But the reality of it is that S has become a thing that holds down game development, and like with BG3, gives sony pseudo exclusivity on consoles. It’s also likely what caused 343 to never ship couch-coop on Halo. It worked to some extent, but simply wasn’t worth the hours to finish for S.

    Sooner or later MS has to tackle the issue somehow, and if I had to guess, they’ll rather push for a 0.5 gen jump instead of just screwing with people who bought S.

    It’s easier to say a game is “newest gen optimized” than to backtrack on their promise.

    If you are talking about something completely different, then no worries, carry on. This was merely my 2 cents on the topic.