I heard it was because it’s a single income home where the father works long hours at some powerplant and the mother is a housewife swamped with chores and keeping a household of 5 people and two animals afloat. The boy may have severe adhd and is overshadowed by his genius brainy younger sister. The parents may be too concerned over his youngest sibling, which still hasn’t spoken significantly in 30 years. So yeah, tough situation there.
I heard it was because it’s a single income home where the father works long hours at some powerplant and the mother is a housewife swamped with chores and keeping a household of 5 people and two animals afloat. The boy may have severe adhd and is overshadowed by his genius brainy younger sister. The parents may be too concerned over his youngest sibling, which still hasn’t spoken significantly in 30 years. So yeah, tough situation there.