The entire GOP would be on site the next day after his interment to spring him loose and take turns sucking him off.
The entire GOP would be on site the next day after his interment to spring him loose and take turns sucking him off.
Plenty of people knew who she was before. You didn’t, because you don’t pay attention to international human rights struggles.
These guys have like five political parties duking it out, I wish this is what America had to look forward to. It would be a step up from two-party FPTP.
Yes it does, when the war you’re opposing is one intended to bring consequences to a dictator. Unopposed dictators continue to dictate and empower other dictators. You don’t stop a bully by turning the other cheek. That just gets you punched in both sides of the face. You stop a bully by bringing them consequences to their actions. When there are no consequences, the actions continue.
If you’d like to read more about this, please check into the entirety of human history.
Brought to us by the same people that claimed Russia was fighting with WWII shovels, end of war is near, sanctions will kill the Russian economy, etc.
Hence why they’re now pressing students and immigrants into emergency armed service. Because they’re getting their asses beat. This all checks out. A stable country with a well functioning modern military doesn’t extend a 3 day operation into 3 years, lose half a million troops, and then press-gang their students into the draft. These are signs of failure.
If that was his plan he should have sent them in first before he lost 470,000 registered soldiers. This is a desperation move, and if not that, then it is one of absolutely colossal foolishness. Neither is a good look for Putin.
If every time someone is born, they die, then wouldn’t that mean that life is inherently worthless?
Sure, if you consider the complete destruction of an entire ethnic group of people to be “peace”. Can’t fight if they’re all dead. But if you truly do think that way, you are the problem and I recommend a long walk off a short pier.
That’s exactly how you guarantee a permanent guerilla terrorist force.
Us Americans are pretty dumb, unfortunately. I like to think I’m not, and even so really the only reason I clicked into the comments here was to clarify if that meant Georgia the country or Georgia the state because I could absolutely see Georgia the American state trying to run this. I’d expect it more out of Florida but shit’s all fucked up everywhere these days. I appreciated that clarifying comment.
Fuck yeah, good for Mike. That sort of thing still works sometimes, but you have to be really, really good at what you do. But getting a good portfolio in the right hands at the right time is really all it takes.
I would think that if shit ever seriously hit the fan for them he would suddenly find a lot less allies in his cabinet than he thought.
But that is very much an uninformed armchair opinion.
Either that or just a test run to see how easy it is to sneak shit in on balloons. Apparently it worked.
After reviewing this list I have neglected to mention Shadows of Forbidden Gods, a Civ like where you play as Cthulhu, and more importantly I forgot to talk about Deep Rock Galactic and will be hurling myself into lava as penance at my nearest convenience.
Hell yeah I would.
If you enjoy roguelikes, I got you in spades.
Outside of the roguelike genre there are also a couple good ones that I’ll name, though I do admit this list will probably be shorter:
I have to stop myself here because I could go on about this all night and still not be done. Gaming is my main hobby and indie games are the main games I play. Name me a genre you enjoy and I’ll scroll around for recommendations if none of the above catch your eye.
It’s the golden age of indie games. I’ve got dozens of games on my steam library made by a team of between 1 and 12 people that I bought for $20 or less. Those guys are doing great, and doing great work. I rarely ever even give a second glance to big AAA releases anymore, with a couple specific exceptions.
I do not wish for the death of the Russian people. I wish for the removal, by any means necessary, of their authoritarian government who is seeking to expand their control into previously peaceful and unaligned nations.
It isn’t just “bomb all the ruskies and call it a day”, the majority of the Russian populace is a victim here as much as anyone else. I wish for a better life for them and for us all. But a few eggs will need to break to make that omelette.
Which would be the most elaborate suicide of the 21st century. If Putin drops a nuke somewhere the remaining lifespan of himself and his nation will be measured in minutes, as all of NATO and the west no longer have a potential worst option to avoid. At this point we just have to hope he understands that. I hope nobody loses a city because of it.
I have only know about them because the internet exists.
It’s even better than that, even with the internet existing I’d have never interacted with these bits whatsoever if it weren’t for the person in question throwing a hissy fit and trying to get something deleted off the internet. If they just laughed it off and let it slide it would have gotten about 1% of the attention currently being brought to it. We only know about this painting because she was so offended by it that she decreed no one must know about it. We only know about Barbara Streisand’s house because she decreed no one must know about it.
The difference between what Russian tech is “supposed” to do and what it actually does has been, historically speaking, significant. I’ll believe this if they manage to credibly get one single munition past a Patriot emplacement or past Aegis. Until then it’s all talk.