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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • First-hand reports did not make mention of the origins of the perpetrators, only that they are of similar age (12 and 13yo) and one of them the ex-boyfriend of the victim. Very horrible, no question. But, is immigration relevant to this case ? Isn’t it more relevant to question why education of teenagers has failed so bad ? Why are racial and faith related aggression still a thing in a laïc state ? Why nothing concrete is being done to protect women ? Let’s avoid the essay short-cuts, and instead talk about the real root-causes.

  • It is surprising everyone, including left voters. I don’t think Macron considered this outcome seriously when he made his play to dismiss the national parliament. Most likely he was counting on the “Republican blockade” (it’s kind of a tradition at this point) to draw all the center to his cause (this would have included, Green, Socialists and the traditional right of Republicans).

    Instead, Les Republicains instantly imploded when their leader Eric Ciotti declared we wants to ally with the RN (leading extreme-right party), he got unanimously banned from his party. Another extreme-right party, Reconquête also failed to rally to RN (this is another crazy story, mixing family relations and betrayal). And the left in the most broad sense, is as united as ever, in a unions that seems much more serious and solid than precious failed attempts, giving (my feeling) a lot of hope for voters attached to democracy and justice.

    In a nutshell there are 3 possible outcomes we can summarize in Macron’s perspective:

    1. Republican blockage: Macron gets again majority in the assembly, he is reaffirmed as the legitimate leader of the country and he can continue the same government and policies. **Macron wins **
    2. Rassemblement National (RN) wins the parliament: Macron is the last standing defense against fascism in France, he will use his powers to veto and block the policies of RN, use this as an opportunity to display RN as incapable of governing, putting him and his party in a favorable position for the next presidential elections in 2027. Macron wins
    3. Le Partie Populaire wins the parliament: Macron cannot govern, he will use his powers to block the policies of the left, these measures are in large part about reversing the unpopular policies he passed in the passed 5 years (often without vote: 49-3), this will discredit him and his party. Macron looses

  • Sorry, but Les Républicains are not “center-right”, they are definitely very-right, they campaign on the same topics than the extreme-right and share a lot of points in their programs.

    The new Front Populaire regroups a fairly wide variety of parties, from the the far left revolutionary communists like NPA, radical left with PCF and LFI, until the center like Les Socialistes (social Democrats) and Ecologists. Last Sunday, they were divided and dragging each other in the mud, today they have 1) signed to campaign as one, 2) decided the candidates for each county, 3) agreed on a very detailed common program for the next 2~3 years.

    The vote takes place on 30th of June, therefore the political landscape of France will continue to shift frenetically for the next 2 weeks at least.

  • About the power of the hardware, you don’t need to worry too much. My NAS is a SBC with 6 ARM cores and 4GB or RAM. It run flawlessly all the services you’ve listed and more ! (Also, without transcoding for jellyfin).

    I don’t know if your budget includes Hard disks, but it should be plenty enough to get you an ready made NAS from Synology or other brands, that will give you an easy start with self-hosting.

    If you want to go the DIY route. Then I recommend to build yourself a small computer from a Intel N100 motherboard, or the older J5040. From there you can install Open Media Vault, or otherwise the Linux distribution you are the most familiar with, and install Docker. You can check Linuxserver.io for many guides for spinning up docker containers for all of the services you’ve listed.

  • If I were to rework the drive mounting solution, I would probably redo the whole case from scratch. Currently the drives are slotted inside 5.25" bays and theses are assembled together with 3D printed brackets. I have the impression vibration are not transferring too much to the case and outside.

    Maybe I can find some rubber damper that would fit around the drives inside the 5.25" bays.

  • Thank you for the suggestions, but this isn’t quite what I am looking for. Moving the NAS to another room isn’t an option, bedroom and bathroom are even less suitable for a NAS :D

    I don’t wish to modify the appearance of it either. For one, I’ve spent quite a lot of time designing and building the enclosure from scratch (it’s a unique and original design from my creation). Then, it sits in my TV cabinet and space is an additional concern.