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Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Moscow agreed to discharge Indian nationals who were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces during a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin in July.

    The way this is written, the dangling modifier makes it sound like the Indian nationals were illegally inducted into the Russian Armed Forces during the meeting. Like Modi met with Putin, and the Indian staff members and security detail that came along were corralled into a bus and shipped to the front lines. Then Modi comes out of the meeting looking like the Vincent Vega meme, and turns to Putin who is like the Fidel Castro Simpsons meme.

    Moscow agreed during the meeting to discharge the illegally inducted Indian nationals.

  • That seems to be the main thrust of the interview. Employees leaving the building is bad for productivity, therefore I provide a variety of services, food, and support inside the building. Employees don’t have to ever leave, which boost productivity.

    Whether or not that is true, that’s another matter. In fact, I would hazard a guess that the CEO’s statements are all “I want” statements precisely because he isn’t interested in debating the actual effect on employees. Is it more productive? Does the data support the expense? Doesn’t matter, he wants it.

    I find it helps me be more creative to leave my working space for a change of scenery, but it also helps me focus on mundane tasks to have things at my fingertips to avoid leaving my workspace. I doubt there’s one universal answer, but a workplace that provides coffee and food isn’t preventing employees from leaving the building, it’s encouraging them to stay.

    But I also work from home. I wouldn’t work for a company with a strict in-office policy, even if they provided coffee and daycare.

  • Colonizing Mars exposed the colonists to mutagenic radiation, causing people born on Mars to have birth defects (and psychic abilities). They weren’t native Martians, so the three booby lady won’t exist until we send people there.

    Fun fact, the Earth has a magnetosphere that protects us from radiation, and Mars does not. So it is very likely that Martian colonists would experience higher rates of cancer, birth defects, and sterility even with physical shielding.

    But also, even if a human were to grow a third booby, it would probably be above or below one of the normal boobies, along a vertical line called the “milk line.” A third medial booby is, medically speaking, unlikely.