Reddit refugee

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I wanna see a massive dump of them. All of them. If you gonna smoke smoke weed. Fuck tobacco and anyone who thinks it’s cool. They have the freedom to choose for sure, but anyone that chooses that is 100% idiot until proven otherwise.

    No ifs, ands, or buts. If you like it, you are part of the problem.

    Quitters finally saw the light. People who start smoking in the 2020s are just outright stupid. It’s not all over TV anymore, it’s not the cool teenage rebellion thing. It’s not even hidden knowledge about how bad it is to start, and how hard quitting is. Wtf is making people start now?

  • I haven’t been avoiding them per se. I did for a while because they weren’t as reliable but that time is well past. Since then I haven’t really need replacements, and it seemed a waste to upgrade “just because” while my current one was fine.

    But the amount of times I want to leave the pointer in a specific spot and let go of the mouse and then seeing it move from cord tension is starting to drive me nuts. So wireless will fix that problem at least. Haven’t even begun looking out comparing yet as I so don’t need one yet.

    Just waiting on the day it moves one time too many and I snap. 🤣