Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • There you. You can’t stop people from fighting, but we certainly can stop helping them kill each other.

    And look, I get it’s a hot button issue for a lot of people. I’m not suggesting anyone is wrong for whatever side they choose. It’s too complex of an issue for my pea-brain to fully understand. What I do understand is that the US and other countries need to be working toward helping both sides find a reasonable and peaceful solution — whatever that may be (I’ll leave that to the smarter people to figure out).

  • I’m sure the now 22-year-old that he admitted to raping 10 years ago feels relief knowing he’s learned his lesson and gets to back to being a superstar because he was just a kid who grew out of his phase of raping 12-year-olds.

    I do agree with you that most people can learn from their mistakes, and should be given multiple chances for redemption. But I draw the line at rape, especially of children; it’s personal. I will respect your opinion, despite not agreeing with it, if you will respect mine, while not agreeing with it. 😊

  • I’m confused. So Macron’s party was democratically voted out by the people? So instead of accepting defeat like any rational person/party would, he decided to call a mulligan and do it all over again? What’s he going to do if they lose a second time?

    As an American, I feel like this is somewhat familiar, and would have negative consequences.

    Edit: I will admit, I am not as savvy with foreign politics. I jumped the gun, and made an incorrect assumption based on my emotions. For that, I apologize. I do want to thank k those who took the time to explain it to me; I have learned something today, and it’s appreciated.